


The easiest way to use hyperHTML 🦄

<sup>Social Media Photo by Juliana Malta on Unsplash</sup>

WebReflection status License: ISC


Live on Code Pen.

import {comp, html, render} from 'hypersimple';

// components
const Button = comp(model => html`
  <button onclick=${model.onclick}>

// main App: just like any component
const App = comp(model => html`
  Lorem ipsum: ${model.count}

// model: it will be mutated to trigger updates on changes
const model = {
  count: 0,
  button: {
    text: 'increment',
    onclick() {
      // will update the view right away
      model.count += 1;

// render
render(document.body, () => App(model));

API in a nutshell

The model will be modified to reflect any change of any of its properties in the UI, and every method will be automatically bound to the related context.

A model can be used with multiple components without needing to nest a sub model/object per each component related to the same model.

If you use immutable structures, you'll trash the whole layout each time so ... to keep it simple, as the project suggests, but also to keep it memory safe, just pass mutable models and update those directly instead of duplicating references.

The whole idea is indeed to abstract away everything that's more complicated than setting, or updating, a generic property.