

TrendChart Elements

Web components to generate simple, light and responsive charts representing trends.

<p align="center"> <img src="./docs/banner.jpg" alt="Banner" width="1000"> </p>

It is often useful to display some simple charts to represent a data visualization trend without the need of a big chart library, TrendChart Elements is made for that. The aim was to be as plug-and-play as possible, like native HTML tags, so all the configuration is made with CSS variables and HTML attributes. It's fully responsive with built-in basic tooltip.

10.5ko minified and gzipped, tree-shakeable, written in TypeScript, and no dependency except Lit to create web components (50% of the package size). Tested on modern browsers : Chrome >= 73, Firefox >= 63, Edge >= 79, Safari >= 12.


Install the package with NPM :

npm install @weblogin/trendchart-elements

Import into your project code :

// All the charts
import '@weblogin/trendchart-elements';
// Only some charts
import { TcLine } from "@weblogin/trendchart-elements";

Update from V1

Some of the markup has changed to make room for new features, have a look at the documentation below to find the new names.


<p align="center"> <img src="./docs/demo-2.jpg" alt="Demo" width="1020"> <br> <b>Check out <a href="https://weblogin.github.io/trendchart-elements/demo/" target="_blank">the demo page</a> for various charts stylings and use cases.</b> </p>
<tc-line values="[12,10,12,11,7,6,8,10,12]"></tc-line>
<tc-pie values="[35,68,22,16]"></tc-pie>
<tc-bar values="[11,7,6,8,10,12,8,10,12]"></tc-bar>
<tc-stack values="[24,18,19,7]"></tc-stack>

Use CSS to change the width and height of the chart, because they are responsive you can use percentages.

In some cases you'll need to have a radius around the chart if its container has one, for that just add a border-radius CSS rule to the chart.

Charts configuration is made with CSS variables and HTML attributes :

HTML Attributes

➡️ All charts
values-Required - Array of numbers for the values, at least 2 for line and bar charts. Example : values="[12,10,11]"
labels[]Optional - Array of strings for the labels corresponding to the values, it needs to be the same length as values array. Example : labels='["A","B","C"]'
staticfalseOptional - Boolean to disable tooltip and hover styling
tooltip-disabledfalseOptional - Boolean to disable tooltip
tooltip-format@L @VOptional - String to format the tooltip text. Two placeholders are available, @V for the current value and @L for the current label if present
max0Optional - Number to change the max scale of the chart
➡️ Line chart
min0Optional - Number to change the min scale of the chart
weight2Optional - Number for the line weight
pointundefinedOptional - Number for the point weight, if not set it will be weight + 6
insidefalseOptional - Boolean to draw the points inside the chart. Because the line touch the edges by default, the points have half of their size outside the chart. Usefull if all points are visible
➡️ Bar chart
min0Optional - Number to change the min scale of the chart
radius2Optional - Number for the radius of the bars
horizontalfalseOptional - Boolean to change the orientation to horizontal
gap2Optional - Number for the gap between bars
➡️ Stack chart
radius2Optional - Number for the radius of the global bar
horizontalfalseOptional - Boolean to change the orientation to horizontal
gap2Optional - Number for the gap between bars
➡️ Pie chart
donutundefinedOptional - Number to create a donut of the given weight
rotate0Optional - Number in degrees to rotate the chart, 0 being the top
gap2Optional - Number for the gap between slices

For boolean ones you just have to set them on the tag, like this :

<tc-bar values="[3,9,10]" static><tc-bar>

CSS Variables

➡️ All charts
--residual-colorblackThe residual represent unused space, for example if you set a max of 100 but the highest value is lower
--tooltip-padding3px 4px-
➡️ Line chart
--area-color--shape-colorThe area represent the space under the line
➡️ Bar / Stack / Pie chart
--shape-color-x--shape-colorColor of the x shape starting at 1 : --shape-color-1, --shape-color-2, etc
--shape-opacity-active0.5Opacity of the current active shape


Several custom events are fired so you can react to them. For some events the detail property of the event contains associated data. Have a look at the bottom of the demo page to see a test for events (in the console).

computedFire everytime the chart is computednull
shape-enterFire on mouse enter a value shapeObject
shape-leaveFire on mouse leave a value shapeObject
shape-clickFire on mouse click on a value shapeObject


Even if TrendChart Elements is supposed to be used as a simple chart system, several properties are exposed so you can interact with the chart programmatically. In addition to the HTML Attributes above, here are some other usefull ones :

valueShapesArray of valueShape objects. Each represent a value that will be displayed in the chart
valueShapeActiveGetter for the current active valueShape object
activeIndex of the current active valueShape, can be used to manually set the active index
// <tc-line values="[12,10,12,11,7,6,8,10,12]"></tc-line>
const lineChart = document.querySelector('tc-line');
lineChart.active = 3;


TrendChart Elements is licensed under the MIT license.