

WebAssembly Design

This repository contains documents describing the design and high-level overview of WebAssembly.

The documents and discussions in this repository are part of the WebAssembly Community Group.


WebAssembly or wasm is a new, portable, size- and load-time-efficient format suitable for compilation to the web.

WebAssembly is currently being designed as an open standard by a W3C Community Group that includes representatives from all major browsers. Expect the contents of this repository to be in flux: everything is still under discussion.

More Information

ResourceRepository Location
High Level Goalsdesign/HighLevelGoals.md
Frequently Asked Questionsdesign/FAQ.md
Language Specificationspec/README.md

Design Process & Contributing

The WebAssembly specification is being developed in the spec repository. For now, high-level design discussions should continue to be held in the design repository, via issues and pull requests, so that the specification work can remain focused.

We've mapped out features we expect to ship:

  1. An initial Minimum Viable Product (MVP) release;
  2. And soon after in future versions.

Join us:

When contributing, please follow our Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct.