


Import your face in a 3D scene, in live!

This JavaScript library:

  1. Get the camera video stream,
  2. Detects and track the user's face
  3. Crop the face and evaluate the depth

All is done in real-time, in a standard web browser. We provide a THREE.js demo where the 3D face of the user is inserted into a 3D scene. However, this library is framework agnostic and can be user with any web 3D engine.

Table of contents


Here are the main features of the library:



Here are the demonstrations included in this repository:


Get started

The best way to get started is to take at the demo.

Init arguments

  'videoElement' // not set by default. <video> element used
   // If you specify this parameter,
   // all other settings will be useless
   // it means that you fully handle the video aspect

  'deviceId'            // not set by default
  'facingMode': 'user', // to use the rear camera, set to 'environment'

  'idealWidth': 800,  // ideal video width in pixels
  'idealHeight': 600, // ideal video height in pixels
  'minWidth': 480,    // min video width in pixels
  'maxWidth': 1280,   // max video width in pixels
  'minHeight': 480,   // min video height in pixels
  'maxHeight': 1280,  // max video height in pixels,
  'rotate': 0         // rotation in degrees possible values: 0,90,-90,180

Error codes

The initialization function ( callbackReady in the code snippet ) will be called with an error code ( errCode ). It can have these values:

Miscellaneous methods


You should host the content of this repository using a HTTPS static server.

Be careful to enable gzip HTTP/HTTPS compression for JSON and JS files. Indeed, the neuron network JSON file, neuralNets/NN_<xxx>.json is quite heavy, but very well compressed with GZIP. You can check the gzip compression of your server here.

About the tech

Under the hood

This library relies on WebAR.rocks WebGL Deep Learning technology to detect and track the user's face using a neural network. The accuracy is adaptative: the best is the hardware, the more detections are processed per second. All is done on the client-side.


If a compatibility error is triggered, please post an issue on this repository. If this is a problem with the camera access, please first retry after closing all applications which could use your device (Skype, Messenger, other browser tabs and windows, ...). Please include:


This code repository is dual licensed. You have to choose between these 2 licenses:

  1. GPLv3 (free default option)
  2. Nominative commercial license: please contact-us for more information

For more information, please read the LICENSE file.
