


PyTorch implementation of Spatial Transformer Network (STN) with Thin Plate Spline (TPS).

<img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/warbean/tps_stn_pytorch/master/demo/top_1.gif" height = "200"/> <img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/warbean/tps_stn_pytorch/master/demo/top_2.gif" height = "200"/>


STN is a powerful neural network architecture proposed by DeepMind in [1]. STN achieves real spatial invariance by automatically rectify input images before they are feeded into a normal classification network. The most amazing part of STN is that it is end-to-end differential and can be directly plugged into existing network architectures (AlexNet, Resnet, etc), without any extra supervision.

Original STN paper [1] experiments on three specific transformation forms: Affine Transformation, Projective Transformation and Thin Plate Spline Transformation (TPS). Among them I think TPS is the most powerful translation because it can warp a image in arbitrary way. As shown below, I can warp my Avatar

<img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/warbean/tps_stn_pytorch/master/demo/source_avatar.jpg" height = "200"/>


<img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/warbean/tps_stn_pytorch/master/demo/target_avatar.jpg" height = "200"/>

TPS-STN has been used in OCR application [2]. In this paper TPS-STN is to automatically rectify distorted text images, before they are feeded into a normal OCR text recognition model:

<img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/warbean/tps_stn_pytorch/master/demo/ocr.jpg" height = "130"/>


I use imageio to create GIF visualization. Simply install it by pip install imageio.


python mnist_train.py --model unbounded_stn --angle 90 --grid_size 4
python mnist_visualize.py --model unbounded_stn --angle 90 --grid_size 4
python mnist_make_gif.py --model unbounded_stn --angle 90 --grid_size 4

Then PNG and GIF resutls will be saved in ./image/unbounded_stn_angle60_grid4/ and ./gif/unbounded_stn_angle60_grid4/.

You can try other combinations of model architecture, mnist random rotation angle and TPS grid size. Details below.


There are three controllable arguments: --model, --angle, --grid_size.

--model: str, required

--angle: int, default = 60

--grid_size: int, default = 4

Test Accuracy Curves

<img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/warbean/tps_stn_pytorch/master/demo/curve.png" height = "900"/>

Visualize TPS-STN

Results with angle = 90 are generally bad:

<img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/warbean/tps_stn_pytorch/master/demo/angle90_bad1.gif" height = "200"/> <img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/warbean/tps_stn_pytorch/master/demo/angle90_bad2.gif" height = "200"/>

Results with bounded_stn are bad if grid_size <= 3:

<img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/warbean/tps_stn_pytorch/master/demo/bounded_bad1.gif" height = "200"/> <img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/warbean/tps_stn_pytorch/master/demo/bounded_bad2.gif" height = "200"/>

But ok if grid_size >= 4:

<img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/warbean/tps_stn_pytorch/master/demo/bounded_good1.gif" height = "200"/> <img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/warbean/tps_stn_pytorch/master/demo/bounded_good2.gif" height = "200"/>

Results with unbounded_stn are ok:

<img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/warbean/tps_stn_pytorch/master/demo/unbounded_good1.gif" height = "200"/> <img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/warbean/tps_stn_pytorch/master/demo/unbounded_good2.gif" height = "200"/>

Of course there are always bad cases in each combination. You can download all my GIFs from Baidu Netdisk (file size 2G).


[1] Spatial Transformer Networks<span id="ref-1"/>

[2] Robust Scene Text Recognition with Automatic Rectification<span id="ref-2"/>

[3] 数值方法——薄板样条插值(Thin-Plate Spline)<span id="ref-3"/>