

Deep Relighting Network (DRN) for Image Light Source Manipulation

Team: DeepRelight

Members: Li-Wen Wang, Zhi-Song Liu, Chu-Tak Li,Wan-Chi Siu, Daniel P. K. Lun

It contains the codes to attend AIM 2020 Relighting Challenge Track 1: One-to-one relighting

Our testing result can be found from here (google drive link)


Getting Started


pip install dominate, kornia
pip install git+https://github.com/S-aiueo32/lpips-pytorch.git


python test.py

The test results will be saved to the folder: ./output.


After downloading, please put them under the datasets folder, which are "datasets/track3_train" and "datasets/track3_HDR"


python train.py 

The training process includes three stages: Firstly, we trained the scene reconversion using paired input and wide-range target, accompanied with the discriminators. Secondly, we trained the shadow prior estimation network by paired input and target images with the other discriminators. Finally, we fixed the shadow prior estimation and trained the whole DRN with paired input and target images, using Laplace and VGG (*0.01) losses. The training images are resized to 512x512 because of the limitation of the GPU memory. All stages uses the Adam optimization with momentum 0.5 and learning rate 0.0002.


This code borrows heavily from pytorch-CycleGAN-and-pix2pix.