


An unofficial Implementation of 3D Gaussian Splatting for Real-Time Radiance Field Rendering [SIGGRAPH 2023].

We implement the 3d gaussian splatting methods through PyTorch with CUDA extensions, including the global culling, tile-based culling and rendering forward/backward codes.

Work in progress.


ScenePSNR from paperPSNR from this repoRendering Speed (official)Rendering Speed (Ours)
Garden25.82(5k)24.91 (7k)160 FPS (avg MIPNeRF360)60 FPS
Garden25.82(5k)25.70 (7k)160 FPS (avg MIPNeRF360)25 FPS



Install CUDA Extensions

# compile CUDA extension
pip install -e ./

Data Preparation

Put the colmap output in this folder, e.g., colmap_garden/sparse/0/, as well as the images.


python train.py --exp garden --grad_thresh 0.000004 --debug 1 --ssim_weight 0.1 --lr 0.002 --use_sh_coeff 0 --grad_accum_method mean --grad_accum_iters 300 --split_thresh 0.08 # PSNR 24.75 SSIM 71.95 FPS 70 N_Gaussians 376467
python train.py --exp garden --grad_thresh 0.000004 --debug 1 --ssim_weight 0.1 --lr 0.002 --use_sh_coeff 0 --grad_accum_method mean --grad_accum_iters 300 # PSNR 25.03 SSIM 0.7541 FPS 40 N_GAUSSIANS 933918 
python train.py --exp garden --grad_thresh 0.000002 --debug 1 --ssim_weight 0.1 --lr 0.002 --use_sh_coeff 0 --grad_accum_method mean --grad_accum_iters 300 --split_thresh 0.08 # PSNR 24.91 SSIM 73.18 FPS 64 N_GAUSSIANS 506627 GOOD

python train.py --exp garden2 --grad_thresh 0.000004 --debug 1 --ssim_weight 0.2 --lr 0.002 --use_sh_coeff 0 --grad_accum_method mean --grad_accum_iters 300 --adaptive_control_end_iter 3000 --opa_init_value 0.05 --lr_factor_for_opa 20 # PSNR 25.55 SSIM 79.83 N_GAUSSIANS 2418528 FPS 24.68

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=3 python train.py --exp garden2 --grad_thresh 0.000004 --debug 1 --ssim_weight 0.2 --lr 0.002 --use_sh_coeff 0 --grad_accum_method mean --grad_accum_iters 300 --adaptive_control_end_iter 3000 --opa_init_value 0.05 --lr_factor_for_opa 20 # PSNR 25.5586 SSIM 80.10 FPS 25.30 N_GAUSSIANS 2401413

python train.py --exp garden2 --grad_thresh 0.000004 --debug 1 --ssim_weight 0.2 --lr 0.002 --use_sh_coeff 0 --grad_accum_method mean --grad_accum_iters 300 --adaptive_control_end_iter 3000 --opa_init_value 0.05 --lr_factor_for_opa 20 --lr_factor_for_scale 0.2 --lr_factor_for_quat 10 --split_thresh 0.05 #PSNR 24.896 SSIM 76.55 FPS 65 N_GAUSSIANS 765932

python train.py --exp garden2 --grad_thresh 0.000004 --debug 1 --ssim_weight 0.2 --lr 0.002 --use_sh_coeff 0 --grad_accum_method mean --grad_accum_iters 300 --adaptive_control_end_iter 3000 --opa_init_value 0.05 --lr_factor_for_opa 20 --lr_factor_for_quat 10 # PSNR 25.6906 SSIM 80.66 FPS 24.68

python train.py --exp garden2 --grad_thresh 0.000004 --debug 1 --ssim_weight 0.2 --lr 0.002 --use_sh_coeff 0 --grad_accum_method mean --grad_accum_iters 300 --adaptive_control_end_iter 3000 --opa_init_value 0.05 --lr_factor_for_opa 20 --lr_factor_for_scale 0.5 --lr_factor_for_quat 10 --split_thresh 0.05 # PSNR 25.3769 SSIM 0.7902 FPS 41.3186

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=3 python train.py --exp garden2 --grad_thresh 0.000004 --debug 1 --ssim_weight 0.2 --lr 0.002 --use_sh_coeff 0 --grad_accum_method mean --grad_accum_iters 300 --adaptive_control_end_iter 3000 --opa_init_value 0.05 --lr_factor_for_opa 20 --lr_factor_for_quat 20 # PSNR 25.7021 SSIM 0.8052 FPS 25.3567

Rendering With a GUI

python train.py --ckpt ckpt.pth --gui 1 --test 1

The GUI is based on Viser and written by ZiLong Chen.

The transforms folder are from Viser


Another good implementation for 3D gaussian splatting, by Zilong Chen