Secured Constraints Unit Commitment model of Power system, including the model based on AC flow equation and DC flow equation(the AC model is relaxed by 'Second Order Cone Relaxation' to get a convex problem).
Only the constraints in pre-contingency state are considered.
There is a piecewise function expression for power generation costs.
However, I'm sorry that the version is relative old, and it may be difficult to read or modify.
Besides, note that the model is based on the Matlab, Yalmip, and the solver is Gurobi. It can be changed to other solvers, such as Cplex, by modifying the parameter 'gurobi' in sentence 'ops = settings('solver','gurobi''.
此外,请注意,该模型基于Matlab,Yalmip,求解器为Gurobi。 通过修改句子'ops = settings('solver','gurobi'中的参数'gurobi',可以将其更改为其他求解器,例如Cplex。
If you have any idea on improving this model, please contact me.
注:matlab上传github,中文注释乱码的问题,暂时没找到解决办法,如果您有,可以告诉我。目前我的解决方法是,上传了一个.zip的压缩包,下载后解压应该不会乱码。 Note that: when I upload the .m files to github, its Chinese notes will be error codes, I didn't find any way to solve it, if you know, please tell me. Now my solution is that a .zip file is uploaded, upzip it seems to avoid the error codes problem.