


Cross-platform WebPageTest agent


There are separate lines of development under different licenses (pull requests accepted to either):

Supported Platforms/Browsers

āš ļø Known Issues

Linux (with display, or headless with Xvfb)


MacOS (Intel and Apple Silicon)

Android (requires a tethered host; Raspberry Pi preferred)

Command-line options

Basic agent config

Video capture/display settings (Linux only)

Server/location configuration

Traffic-shaping (defaults to host-based)

Android testing

Authenticating the agent with the server

Running tests locally on the command-line

The test result is written as JSON to stdout. If a server, location, and key are provided, then the test will be uploaded to the given WebPageTest server and the test ID returned in the output JSON.

Supported features

The following Script Commands are supported on Windows, Linux, Mac, and Android:


There are no plans to implement the following Script Commands: