This package provides basic finite element structures to setup finite element schemes on ExtendableGrids. For a full high-level API see ExtendableFEM.jl.
This low level structures in the package incorporate:
Finite element types (Basis functions on reference geometries and dof management for several H1, Hdiv and Hcurl elements)
FESpace (Discrete finite element space with respect to a mesh from ExtendableGrids, knows the Dofmaps)
FEMatrix (block overlay for an ExtendableSparse matrix, where each block corresponds to a coupling between two FESpaces in a system)
FEVector (block overlay for an array, where each block corresponds to a FESpace)
FunctionOperators (primitive linear operators like Identity, Gradient, Divergence) and rules how to evaluate them for for different finite element types
FEEvaluator (finite element basis evaluators for different FunctionOperators and entities of the grid)
QuadratureRule (basic quadrature rules for different ElementGeometries from ExtendableGrids)
interpolations (standard interpolations into the provided finite element spaces, averaging routines and interpolations between meshes/FESpaces)
reconstruction operators (special FunctionOperators that involve an interpolation into a different finite element type)