

FreeU Advanced Plus

Let's say you and I grab dinner, and movie after lunch? πŸŒƒπŸ“ΊπŸ˜


Exmaple of default node settings applied across blocks.

default_block_examples default_block_examples_2 default_block_examples_3 default_block_examples_4 default_block_examples_5 default_block_examples_6 default_block_examples_7

Input Parameters

Optional Parameters

FreeU BibTex

 author    = {Chenyang Si, Ziqi Huang, Yuming Jiang, Ziwei Liu},
 title     = {FreeU: Free Lunch in Diffusion U-Net},
 journal   = {arXiv},
 year      = {2023},

:newspaper_roll: License

Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.