

ImBat: Calcium Imaging in Bats

Repository for code used for acquisition and analysis of data from wireless miniature microscopes in freely flying bats in the Yartsev Lab at UC Berkeley.


Below is a data sample of the raw (left) and background subtracted ( right) streamed imaging data.

<p align="center" width="100%"> <img width="75%" src="https://github.com/WALIII/Movies/blob/main/SupplimentalVideo01.gif"> </p>

Examples of 3D Place cells: ScreenShot


CNMF-E: https://github.com/zhoupc/CNMF_E
Noremcorre: https://github.com/flatironinstitute/NoRMCorre
FinchScope (Liberti Branch) : https://github.com/gardner-lab/FinchScope/tree/Liberti
CellReg: https://github.com/zivlab/CellReg

Getting Started:

A detailed analysis walk-through can be found here.

Learn more about wireless miniature microscopy and other neuro-photonics tools on the FreedomScope page.