

Hero-SR: One-Step Diffusion for Super-Resolution with Human Perception Priors

Jiangang Wang | Qingnan Fan | Qi Zhang | Haigen Liu | Yuhang Yu | Jinwei Chen | Wenqi Ren

Shenzhen Campus of Sun Yat-sen University
vivo Mobile Communication Co. Ltd

📄 Paper Access

If you encounter difficulties opening the paper on arXiv, you can find it in the following directory: paper/2412.07152v1.pdf.

Alternatively, you can download it directly from Google Drive via the following link: Hero-SR PDF

🔥 Code Availability

The source code for Hero-SR is under preparation and will be released soon. Stay tuned for updates!

📄 Citation

If you find this work helpful, please cite it using the following format:

  title={Hero-SR: One-Step Diffusion for Super-Resolution with Human Perception Priors},
  author={Jiangang Wang, Qingnan Fan, Qi Zhang, Haigen Liu, Yuhang Yu, Jinwei Chen, Wenqi Ren},

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