

saladcore - A hybrid stack machine

Main characteristics


Saladcore is a work-in-progress ISA. Currently a C simulator is available which can also be compiled to WASM. This was used to experiment with a custom Forth-like language, saladforth, making use of the frame instructions.

A Verilog implementation of a minimal instruction set is planned, and the current instructions are expected to change, to accomodate both the minimal hardware and the more fully-featured simulator, while not requiring major saladforth changes.

A demo including basic emulated hardware (a serial link and a 1-bit 128x128 display) is available at https://vsgab.github.io/demo/salad/


The WASM demo uses clang directly for compilation, so the Makefile defaults to it.
Useful targets:



[1] Microcore
[2] ZPU
[3] UXN
[4] "Tom Thumb" font