


<img src="frontend/public/favicon.svg" alt="SpLE icon" align="right" width="96" height="96">

Version sple.me License <br> Development version Last commit in devel

SpLE is Supaplex Levels Editor. Inspired by Supaplex.Online and its community.

My previous editor (Winplex Collection Editor — WpColEd) is stuck in far 2010 on Windows. Its source code was lost somewhere in 2016 or about that with HDD failure. And so, here it is: yet another Supaplex levels editor!

SpLE presented in two forms:

SpLE is under development still. Feel free to report bugs, suggest enhancements and correct grammar mistakes.

See also TODO.


sple.me Important notes

sple.me is completely frontend (client side) application (web page). It works only with pseudo-files in browser memory.


Desktop SpLE

Desktop version of SpLE built using Wails. It uses the same source code as web app sple.me to render frontend, but with some different backend bindings to work with its host binary in desktop environment.

Desktop SpLE compared to sple.me DOES work with regular files on your device, like other whatever desktop editors do.

Supported platforms

Contribution, Development

Project root directory was bootstrapped with Wails.

Frontend common app is located in ./frontend/ subdirectory (see also README there). Web sple.me built from that.

See also frontend/README.md.
