


It a simple FB2 reader for terminals. The reader does not support all FB2 features but it allows to quickly open and read any FB2 file without running graphical DE - all you need is terminal(in Linux) or cmd(in Windows). A demo of termfb in action (the application is in portable mode with changed text and background colors):

<img src="./images/termfb2_in_action.gif" alt="TermFB2 in action">

Features and limitations



Application arguments

At this moment the reader does not have any command line arguments except file name. If you start the reader without arguments then it reads the last opened book information and opens that book. If you provide a file name then the application do the following: at first it checks if it is the same file that was opened the last - in this case it restores the position from the last info file, if it is not the last opened book then the application looks for the book in the library and tried to retrieve position information from the database. If both ways fail then the reader opens the book from the beginning.


Global hotkeys

Reader mode

Library dialog


Files used and created by the application

Note: if application is in portable mode then all files are created inside the directory where the executable is. Otherwise all directories and files are created in a user home directory.