Awesome FPGA
A collection of resources on FPGA devices and development in general. We want students and professionals to be able to grasp the world of FPGA from hardware, devices to languages, tutorials, references.
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Best FPGA Tutorials
- My first FPGA Design Tutorial, Quartus (Altera) [PDF]
- Free FPGA Tutorials for ISE (Xilinx) [Web]
- So You Want to Learn FPGAs... (Sparkfun) [Web]
- FPGA for Dummies (Altera) [eBook]
- FPGA - Wikipedia
- World of ASIC - Verilog tutorials, examples [Web]
- The Development Channel - Vivado HLS tutorial [YouTube]
- Mohammed Sadri - Xilinx Vivado tutorials [YouTube]
- Arduino Startups - several "Easy" tutorials [YouTube]
- Verilog By Example: A Concise Introduction for FPGA Design (Blaine Readler)
- FPGA Prototyping by VHDL Examples: Xilinx Spartan-3 (Pong P. Chu)
- FPGA Prototyping by Verilog Examples: Xilinx Spartan-3 Version (Pong P. Chu)
- 100 Power Tipos for FPGA Designers (Evgeni Stavinov)
- FPGAMAKE - Generates Makefiles to synthesize, place, and route verilog using Vivado [GitHub]
- FuseSoC is a package manager and a set of build tools for FPGA/ASIC development [GitHub]
This list was compiled by Henrique Bucher with help from the FPGA community: