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The vchart univer plugin encapsulates the capability to create chart overlays within Univer.

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VChart is a chart component library within the VisActor visualization system. Univer is an open-source Office suite. Using the univer-vchart-plugin, you can easily create chart overlays.

🔨 Usage

đŸ“Ļ Installation

# npm
$ npm install @visactor/univer-vchart-plugin

# pnpm
$ pnpm add @visactor/univer-vchart-plugin

📊 A Simple Chart

<img src="https://lf9-dp-fe-cms-tos.byteorg.com/obj/bit-cloud/univer-vchart-plugin.png" style="width: 800px">
import {
} from "@visactor/univer-vchart-plugin";

export function setupUniver() {
  const univer = new Univer({
    theme: defaultTheme,
    locale: LocaleType.EN_US,
    locales: {
      [LocaleType.EN_US]: enUS,

export function setupVChartDemo($toolbar: HTMLElement, univerAPI: FUniver) {
  const $button = document.createElement("a");
  $button.textContent = "Create vchart demo";

  $button.addEventListener("click", async () => {
    if (!univerAPI) throw new Error("univerAPI is not defined");

    const activeWorkbook = univerAPI.getActiveWorkbook();
    if (!activeWorkbook) throw new Error("activeWorkbook is not defined");
    const activeSheet = activeWorkbook.getActiveSheet();
    if (!activeSheet) throw new Error("activeSheet is not defined");

    await univerAPI.executeCommand(CREATE_VCHART_COMMAND_ID, {
      spec: {
        type: "line",
        data: {
          values: [
              time: "2:00",
              value: 8,
              time: "4:00",
              value: 9,
              time: "6:00",
              value: 11,
              time: "8:00",
              value: 14,
              time: "10:00",
              value: 16,
              time: "12:00",
              value: 17,
              time: "14:00",
              value: 17,
              time: "16:00",
              value: 16,
              time: "18:00",
              value: 15,
        xField: "time",
        yField: "value",

🔗 Related Links

🤝 Contributing PRs Welcome

If you would like to contribute, please read the Code of Conduct and the Contribution Guide first.

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