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Virto Commerce Frontend

<img src="demo.jpg" width="800" alt="catalog view">

Virto Commerce Frontend is a single-page web application (SPA) with a fresh look on eCommerce solutions. This is where common B2B and B2C scenarios are combined with the most bleeding-edge technologies to deliver blazing-fast and fully functional solutions. It implements common business use cases needed for a vast majority of projects we build.

Virto Commerce Frontend is designed to be used as-is within the actual Virto Commerce Platform. You can modify it by implementing desired components, pages, and shared logic to correspond with your project goals.

Technologies used

Non-functional key features

The Application structure

├── assets                           // Scripts, styles and other assets compiled and minified for production.
├── client-app                       // The main folder for the application.
|   ├── assets                       // Assets needed to be precompiled during building.
|   |   └──...
|   |
|   ├── core                         // Common utilities and shared logic that can be used by any pages and libraries.
|   |   ├── api/graphql              // GraphQL Models aligned with the Virto Backoffice.
|   |   |   └──...
|   |   ├── composables              // Core composables (app-level shared logic).
|   |   |   └──...
|   |   ├── directives               // Core Vue directives.
|   |   |   └──...
|   |   ├── plugins                  // Core Vue plugins.
|   |   |   └──...
|   |   ├── enums                    // Core enums.
|   |   |   └──...
|   |   ├── types                    // Core types.
|   |   |   └──...
|   |   ├── utilities                // Some miscellaneous utils.
|   |   |   └──...
|   |   └── constants.ts             // Global-available constants (DO NOT USE, will be removed later).
|   |
|   ├── pages                        // Set of application pages used within Application router.
|   |   └──...
|   |
|   ├── public                       // Statically served files
|   |   └── static
|   |       ├── icons                // Icons used for favicons, PWA, etc.
|   |       └── images               // Static images used inside the application.
|   |
|   ├── router                       // SPA routing configuration.
|   |   └──...
|   |
|   ├── shared                       // A set of shared files grouped by their domain context.
|   |   ├── catalog                  // Grouping context (ex.: catalog browsing).
|   |   |   ├── components           // The collection of components specific for this domain context.
|   |   |   |   └──...
|   |   |   ├── composables          // The collection of shared logic written using Composable API pattern.
|   |   |   |   └──...
|   |   |   ├── types                // Types used in this context.
|   |   |   |   └──...
|   |   |   ├── utils                // Utilities and helpers specific for this context.
|   |   |   |   └──...
|   |   |   └── index.ts             // Entry point for this context used as library.
|   |   |
|   |   └──...
|   |
|   ├── ui-kit                       // Atoms, Molecules, Organisms and their types, used within the whole application.
|   |   └──...
|   |
|   ├── App.vue                      // Main Application component. Use it as a wrapper for routable pages.
|   ├── env.d.ts                     // Definition file to provide IDE IntelliSense support.
|   ├── main.ts                      // Application entry point. Main initialization script.
|   ├── shims-acceptjs.d.ts          // Definition file to provide IDE IntelliSense support for Accept.js (Authorize.net).
|   ├── shims-graphql.d.ts           // Definition file to provide IDE IntelliSense support for importing *.graphql files.
|   ├── shims-vue.d.ts               // Definition file to provide IDE IntelliSense support for importing *.vue files.
|   ├── vue.d.ts                     // Definition file to provide IDE IntelliSense support for additional global Vue properties.
|   └── vue-router.d.ts              // Definition file to provide IDE IntelliSense support for additional global Vue Router properties.
├── config
|   ├── menu.json
|   └── settings_data.json
├── locales                          // Locale files used to provide translated content.
|   └──...
├── scripts                          // Auxiliary build files that run in the Node environment.
|   └──...
├── .babelrc                         // Babel configuration for storybook
├── .browserslistrc                  // Browserslist config file to support actual versions of browsers.
├── .commitlintrc.json               // Config for Conventional commit hook.
├── .dependency-cruiser.cjs
├── .dependency-graph.cjs
├── .editorconfig                    // Common editor settings to sync codestyle.
├── .env                             // Envfile to define different Environment Variables.
├── .env.local                       // Local envfile to override Environment Variables.
├── .eslintignore                    // Ignore some files from ESlint.
├── .eslintrc.cjs                    // ESlint configuration file.
├── .gitattributes                   // Set attributes to specified path in Git.
├── .gitignore                       // Ignore some files from Git.
├── .npmrc                           // Node.js package manager settings and Node.js restrictions
├── .prettierignore                  // Ignore some files from Prettier.
├── .prettierrc.json                 // Config for Prettier.
├── .yarnrc.yml                      // Yarn package manager configuration
├── graphql-codegen
|   ├── schema.ts                    // Configuration file to generate GraphQL schema.
|   ├── generator.ts                 // Generate types based on schema.json
|   └── config.cjs                   // Environment configuration 
├── index.html                       // Vite Development entry point.
├── LICENSE.txt
├── package.json                     // NPM Package description.
├── postcss.config.cjs               // PostCSS configuration for Tailwind.
├── README.md                        // This file.
├── sonar-project.properties
├── tailwind.config.ts               // TailwindCSS configuration file.
├── tsconfig.app.json                // Typescript configuration for application.
├── tsconfig.json                    // Main TypeScript configuration file.
├── tsconfig.node.json               // Typescript configuration for Node.js.
├── tsconfig.vitest.json
├── vite.config.ts                   // Vite configuration file.
├── vitest.config.ts
└── yarn.lock                        // Yarn dependencies lock file.

Getting started


Clone repository

git clone https://github.com/VirtoCommerce/vc-theme-b2b-vue.git "C:\vc-theme-b2b-vue\"

Check yarn version

yarn -v

Yarn should be of version 4.1.0 or greater, not 1.XX.

Install dependencies

yarn install


Run with hot reload for development

# .env.local file

Build with validation and minification for production

yarn build

Build in development mode

yarn build:dev

Build in development mode with change tracking

yarn build:watch

Types generation


yarn generate:graphql

makes two steps:

  1. Downloads schema.json from GraphQL server located at the APP_BACKEND_URL
  2. Generates the types.ts file separately for general modules and independent modules.

If independent modules are not installed on The Platform, types can still be safely generated.

Dependency Analysis

Bundle Size Analysis

To examine the sizes of various chunks such as vendor.js or index.js, execute the following command:

yarn generate:bundle-map

The results will be located in the artifacts folder.

Visualizing the Dependency Graph

To create a visual representation of the dependency graph, use the following command:

yarn generate:dependency-graph

Note: This command requires parameters to run successfully. For example:

yarn generate:dependency-graph client-app/main.ts client-app/shared/account/components/checkout-default-success-modal.vue

The generated graph will also be saved in the artifacts folder.


If you encounter an error such as dot command not found on Windows, ensure that Graphviz is installed on your system.


Copyright (c) Virtosoftware Ltd. All rights reserved.

Licensed under the Virto Commerce Open Software License (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.