

Virgil Crypto Library Python

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Introduction | Library purposes | Installation | Usage examples | Docs | License | Contacts


Virgil Crypto Library Python is a wrapper over Virgil Crypto Library C. It provides a bunch of custom hybrid algorithms that combine different crypto algorithms to solve common complex cryptographic problems in an easy way. That eliminates the requirement for developers to have strong cryptographic skills in order to add a security layer to their applications.

Library purposes


Installing prerequisites

Install latest pip distribution: download get-pip.py and run it using the python interpreter.

Installing from wheel binary packages

We provide binary packages for all the supported platforms. Use pip to install the wheel binary packages:

pip install virgil-crypto

Usage examples

Generate a key pair

Generate a private key using the default algorithm (EC_X25519):

from virgil_crypto import VirgilCrypto

crypto = VirgilCrypto()
key_pair = crypto.generate_key_pair()

Generate and verify a signature

Generate signature and sign data with a private key:

from virgil_crypto import VirgilCrypto

crypto = VirgilCrypto()
key_pair = crypto.generate_key_pair()
sender_private_key = key_pair.private_key

message_to_sign = "Hello, Bob!"
data_to_sign = message_to_sign.encode()

signature = crypto.generate_signature(data_to_sign, sender_private_key)

Verify a signature with a public key:

from virgil_crypto import VirgilCrypto

crypto = VirgilCrypto()

verified = crypto.verify_signature(data_to_sign, signature, sender_public_key)

Encrypt and decrypt data

Encrypt data with a public key:

from virgil_crypto import VirgilCrypto

crypto = VirgilCrypto()

message_to_encrypt = "Hello, Bob!"
data_to_encrypt = message_to_encrypt.encode()

reciver_list = [reciver_public_key]
encrypted_data = crypto.encrypt(data_to_encrypt, *reciver_list)

Decrypt the encrypted data with a private key:

from virgil_crypto import VirgilCrypto

crypto = VirgilCrypto()

decrypted_data = crypto.decrypt(encrypted_data, reciver_private_key)
decrypted_message = bytes(decrypted_data).decode()

Import and export keys

Export keys:

crypto = VirgilCrypto()

# generate a Key Pair
key_pair = crypto.generate_keys()

# export a Private key
private_key_data = crypto.export_private_key(key_pair.private_key, "[YOUR_PASSWORD]")

# export a Public key
public_key_data = crypto.export_public_key(key_pair.public_key, "[YOUR_PASSWORD]")

Import keys:

crypto = VirgilCrypto()
private_key_data = base64.b64decode(private_key_str)

# import a Private key
crypto.import_private_key(private_key_data, "[YOUR_PASSWORD]")


crypto = VirgilCrypto()
public_key_str = "MCowBQYDK2VwAyEA9IVUzsQENtRVzhzraTiEZZy7YLq5LDQOXGQG/q0t0kE="
public_key_data = base64.b64decode(public_key_str)

# import a Public key



This library is released under the 3-clause BSD License.


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