


Cross-platform Total Commander-like orthodox (dual-panel) file manager for Windows, Mac, Linux and FreeBSD with support for plugins. The goal of the project is to provide consistent user experience across all the major desktop systems.


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Windows screenshot

Download for Windows

<a href="https://github.com/VioletGiraffe/file-commander/releases/latest">Get the latest release</a>
Windows Vista and later systems are supported, x64 only (but older releases supported x86). Windows XP is not supported.

Known Issues

For the list of known issues, refer to the project issues on Github, sort by the "bug" label. Or just use <a href="https://github.com/VioletGiraffe/file-commander/labels/bug">this link</a>.

Reporting an issue

<a href="https://github.com/VioletGiraffe/file-commander/issues/new">Create an issue</a> on the project's page on Github.


Cloning the repository

The main git repository has submodules, so you need to execute the update_repository script (available as .bat for Windows and .sh for Linux / Mac) after cloning file-commander to clone the nested repositories. Subsequently, you can use the same update_repository script at any time to pull incoming changes to the main repo, as well as to all the subrepos, thus updating everything to the latest revision.


See the Github workflow .yml file for reference on building the project.