


The Devil Is in the Details: Window-based Attention for Image Compression + QVRF: A Quantization-error-aware Variable Rate Framework for Learned Image Compression

Pytorch implementation of the paper "The Devil Is in the Details: Window-based Attention for Image Compression" + “QVRF: A Quantization-error-aware Variable Rate Framework for Learned Image Compression”

We make the STF into variable rate model This repository is based on STF. We kept network scripts, and removed other components. The major changes are provided in stf.py. For the official code release, see the STF.


This repo defines Transformer-based models in varibale rate model for learned image compression in "The Devil Is in the Details: Window-based Attention for Image Compression" + “QVRF: A Quantization-error-aware Variable Rate Framework for Learned Image Compression”.

Related links

Available data

Fixed-rate model0.0483stf_0483
Variable-rate mode0.0018, 0.0035, 0.0067, 0.0130, 0.025, 0.0483, 0.0932, 0.18STFVR


conda create -n compress python=3.7
conda activate compress
pip install compressai==1.1.5
pip install pybind11
pip install timm


Training (MSE as distortion)

Load the fixed-rate model from STF as the pretrained model and finetune into a variable-rate model.

The training and test dataset are same to STF

python3 train.py  -d ./dataset  -e 21 -lr 1e-4 -n 8 --batch-size 16 --test-batch-size 64 --aux-learning-rate 1e-3 --patch-size 256 256 --cuda --save --seed 1926 --clip_max_norm 1.0  --stage 2 --ste 0 --refresh 1 --loadFromPretrainedSinglemodel 1 --checkpoint stf_0483.pth.tar
python3 train.py  -d ./dataset  -e 66 -lr 1e-5 -n 8 --batch-size 16 --test-batch-size 64 --aux-learning-rate 1e-3 --patch-size 256 256 --cuda --save --seed 1926 --clip_max_norm 1.0  --stage 3 --ste 1 --refresh 1 --loadFromPretrainedSinglemodel 0 --checkpoint checkpoint.pth.tar

Fixed the entropy model

python3 update.py checkpoint_best_loss.pth.tar  -n STFVRImageNetSTE


The checkpoint of STF+QVRF is avaibal STFVR.

For discrete bitrate results at a assign Index: Index belongs in {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8}

python3 Inference.py --dataset ./dataset/Kodak --s 11 --output_path STFVRSTE -p ./STFVRImageNetSTE.pth.tar --patch 64 --factormode 0 --factor 0 --cuda

Continuous bitrate results

For example continuous bitrate results:

python3 Inference.py --dataset ./dataset/Kodak --s 22 --output_path STFVRSTE -p ./STFVRImageNetSTE.pth.tar --patch 64 --factormode 1 --factor 0.1 --cuda

RD results on Kodak

The fixed-rate results are obtained by the provided MSE-optimized fixed-rate models from STF.


If you think it is useful for your reseach, please cite the following paper.

  author={Tong, Kedeng and Wu, Yaojun and Li, Yue and Zhang, Kai and Zhang, Li and Jin, Xin},
  booktitle={2023 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP)}, 
  title={QVRF: A Quantization-Error-Aware Variable Rate Framework for Learned Image Compression}, 

@inproceedings{zou2022the, title={The Devil Is in the Details: Window-based Attention for Image Compression}, author={Zou, Renjie and Song, Chunfeng and Zhang, Zhaoxiang}, booktitle={CVPR}, year={2022} }