


ViaVersion Discord powered by ViaVersion

VIAaaS - ViaVersion as a Service - Standalone ViaVersion proxy

<img alt="VIAaaS Logo (VIA logo with structural formula of aspirin)" height="200" src="https://viaversion.github.io/VIAaaS/src/main/resources/web/img/logo.webp">

Address generator: https://jo0001.github.io/ViaSetup/aspirin

Public instances: https://github.com/ViaVersion/VIAaaS/wiki/List-of-Public-Instances


Offline mode tutorial: https://youtu.be/lPdELnrxmp0

How does it work?

Setting up server instance

Download: GitHub Actions (needs to be logged into GitHub) or JitPack

How to download and start VIAaaS server:

curl -Lf --output VIAaaS-all.jar "https://jitpack.io/com/github/ViaVersion/VIAaaS/master-SNAPSHOT/VIAaaS-master-SNAPSHOT-all.jar"
java -jar VIAaaS-all.jar

How to create a public server

Usage for players

You'll need to specify which server you want to connect through address parameters added as prefix in via.localhost or via web page (default https://localhost:25543/).

Offline mode:

Online mode:

Web login:

Web login via token caching:

Fabric/Forge client:

Address options

Example address:

Address parts:




Why to use an online webpage for online mode?:

How to use Microsoft Account?:


How to use IPv6?:

I'm getting a DNS error/"Unknown host" while connecting to via.localhost

How to use with Geyser?

Can you support more versions / Is there some alternative?

Can I customize the files of HTTP server?