Repository for anything related to Smart Contract Repair
Installation and Usage
creating and activating virtual environment (you can choose another name other than sc_repair
if you would like)
conda create -n sc_repair python=3.8.5
conda activate sc_repair
Command to deactive virtual environment when you are done
conda deactivate
required software
pip install slither-analyzer
pip install py-solc
pip install solc-select
slither requires a specific version of solc, 0.4.24 worked for me, not sure what other versions also work
solc-select install
solc-select install 0.4.24
solc-select use 0.4.24
Make sure you have the right solc version active
solc --version
> solc, the solidity compiler commandline interface
> Version: 0.4.24+commit.e67f0147.Darwin.appleclang
These are not required for core slither features, but some parts of slither need them
brew install graphviz
brew install xdot
To run the script, use the command
python /path/to/smart_contract.sol contract_name
The MIT License applies to all the files in this repository, except for all the contracts files with names that start with Ethereum addresses 0x...
. These files are publicly available, were obtained using the Etherscan APIs, and retain their original licenses.