


Veil-Pillage is a post-exploitation framework and a part of the Veil framework.

Veil-Pillage was built by @harmj0y is currently under active support by @harmj0y with help from the @VeilFramework team.


Start everything up with ./Veil-Pillage.py. All the modules in ./modules/* will automatically be loaded up with their path reflected in the menu (i.e. enumeration/host/credential_validation).

First, you need to specify a target or target(s), and a set of credentials:

Targets can be set with "set targets" 
                    or  "set targets,"
                    or  "set targets hostlist.txt"
                    or  "set targets"
                    or  cli with "-t target"
                    or  cli with "-tL target_list.txt"

Credentials can be set with "set creds (domain/)username:password"
                        or  "set creds (domain/)username:LM:NTLM"
                        or  "set creds"
                        or  cli with "-U user -P password"
                        or  clie with "-cF credential_file" (hashdump or tab-separated)

Then you can launch a given module with "use path/name" or "use [module #]". All modules can be listed with "list modules", and the paths for 'use' are tab-completable.

Once in a module menu, you can modify given paramters for the module with 'set X'. After everything is set, type run, Y to confirm, and the module will execute.

Status updates will display during execution, and any output will be stored in an output file that is named on the completion screen. Output is stored in the veil-output folder/pillage/modulename/timestamp.out. If there is a cleanup file, it will be stored in the same location with a *.pc extension.

To cleanup, type "cleanup /path to *.pc file" and Veil-Pillage will try to restore all targets to their original state.

Random Features:

##Software Requirements:


Currently, only Kali linux x86 is officially supported.

We recommend that users install this tool as a part of the Veil superproject to take advantage of the full functionality of the Veil-Framework.

Veil-Evasion is required for payload generation.

Impacket and the passing-the-hash toolkit are required for payload delivery and triggering.

##Setup (tldr;)

Install the Veil superproject and run the top level Veil/update.sh script to install all necessary dependencies and build a common configuration file at /etc/veil/settings.py

If you install this separately, run the ./update.py script on each major pull update to ensure all dependencies and configurations are correct.

Please just install the Veil superproject. All the pieces of the Veil-Framework were built to work together. Installing them separately is a recipe for grief and support requests.


A quick overview of the structure of everything: