

<p align="center"> <img src="https://github.com/VectorInstitute/odyssey/assets/90617686/34ecf262-e455-4866-a870-300433d09bfe" width="50%"> </p> <h1 style="text-align: center;">Odyssey</h1> <p style="text-align: center;">A library for developing foundation models using Electronic Health Records (EHR) data.</p> <p align="center"> <a href="https://vectorinstitute.github.io/EHRMamba/">Visit our recent EHRMamba paper</a> </p>


Odyssey is a comprehensive library designed to facilitate the development, training, and deployment of foundation models for Electronic Health Records (EHR). Recently, we used this toolkit to develop EHRMamba, a cutting-edge EHR foundation model that leverages the Mamba architecture and Multitask Prompted Finetuning (MPF) to overcome the limitations of existing transformer-based models. EHRMamba excels in processing long temporal sequences, simultaneously learning multiple clinical tasks, and performing EHR forecasting, significantly advancing the state of the art in EHR modeling. <br><br>

Key Features

The toolkit is structured into four main modules to streamline the development process:

  1. data:

    • Gathers EHR datasets from HL7 FHIR resources.
    • Processes patient sequences for clinical tasks.
    • Tokenizes data and creates data splits for model training.
    • Provides a dataset class for model training.
  2. models:

    • Implements models including XGBoost, LSTM, CEHR-BERT, BigBird, MultiBird, and EHRMamba.
    • Offers various embedding classes necessary for the models.
  3. evals:

    • Includes tools for testing models on clinical prediction tasks and forecasting.
    • Provides evaluation metrics for thorough assessment of model performance.
  4. interp:

    • Contains methods for interpreting model decisions.
    • Features interactive visualization of attention matrices for Transformer-based models.
    • Includes novel interpretability techniques for EHRMamba and gradient attribution methods. <br><br>


We welcome contributions from the community! Please open an issue. <br><br>


If you use EHRMamba or Odyssey in your research, please cite our paper:

      title={EHRMamba: Towards Generalizable and Scalable Foundation Models for Electronic Health Records},
      author={Adibvafa Fallahpour and Mahshid Alinoori and Arash Afkanpour and Amrit Krishnan},