Detecting Out-of-Distribution Examples with In-distribution Examples and Gram Matrices
ICML 2020: paper, supplementary material and bibtex available at
The code is written in Python 3 with Pytorch 1.1.
(Please refer to this repository for the results of Baseline/ODIN/Mahalanobis on dataset-pairs not presented in the Mahalanobis paper)
Combining Outlier Exposure (OE) and Ours
Downloading Out-of-Distribution Datasets and Pre-trained Models
We used the out-of-distribution datasets presented in odin-pytorch
We used pre-trained neural networks open-sourced by Mahalanobis and odin-pytorch. The DenseNets trained on CIFAR-10 and CIFAR-100 are by ODIN; remaining are by Mahalanobis.
For experiments on OE-trained networks, we used the pre-trained networks open-sourced by OE
Running the downloads the Out-of-Distribution Datasets and pre-trained models.