


Library for compiling SASS using Dart Sass runtime.


Install package using NuGet.


By default package doesn't contain Dart Sass runtime. It can use installed in system Dart Sass or you can one of packages with runtime:

Note: My library cannot detect is android device or linux musl or Risc-V OS architecture. You must provide value with concrete type. Example:

var compiler = new DartSassCompiller(DartSassNativeType.AndroidX64);


Create DartSassCompiller instance.

using Citizen17.DartSass;

var compiler = new DartSassCompiller();

When instance creates it try find Dart Sass runtime. First it search in project. If not found it try search in system using environmen variable PATH.

If you have dedicated Dart Sass runtime you can pass it as parameter to constructor.

var compiler = new DartSassCompiller("/path/to/sass/executable");

Also you can path DartSassNativeType enum value to specify which Dart Sass from Nuget to use.

var compiler = new DartSassCompiller(DartSassNativeType.AndroidX64);


You can set default options that will be used on every compile.

compiler.CompileOptions = new SassCompileOptions
    StyleType = StyleType.Expanded,
    EmitCharset = true,
    Update = false,
    ImportPaths = [
    GenerateSourceMap = true,
    SourceMapUrlType = SourceMapUrlType.Relative,
    EmbedSources = false,
    EmbedSourceMap = false,
    Quiet = false,
    QuietDeps = false,
    Indented = false,
    PkgImporter = SassPkgImporterType.Node,
    ErrorCSS = false,
    FatalDeprecation = [
    FutureDeprecation = [
    SilenceDeprecation = [
    StopOnError = true

Also every compile method can accept options. If options passed they override defaults.

Compile from file

Use CompileAsync method to get compiled code from file source.

SassCodeCompilationResult result = await compiler.CompileAsync("/path/to/source.scss");
string code = result.Code;

Compile from code

Use CompileCodeAsync method to get compiled code from string source.

var sourceSassCode = ".some-class { color: red; }";
SassCodeCompilationResult result = await compiler.CompileCodeAsync(sourceSassCode);
string code = result.Code;

Compile from file to file

Use CompileToFileAsync method to compile source SASS file to CSS.

SassFilesCompilationResult result = await compiler.CompileToFileAsync("/path/to/source/source.scss");
IEnumerable<string> files = result.Files;

Result file: /path/to/source/source.css and /path/to/source/source.css.map if Source maps enabled.

Also you can pass custom name for output file.

SassFilesCompilationResult result = await compiler.CompileToFileAsync("/path/to/source/source.scss", "dest.css");
IEnumerable<string> files = result.Files;

Result file: /path/to/source/dest.css and /path/to/source/dest.css.map if Source maps enabled.

SassFilesCompilationResult result = await compiler.CompileToFileAsync("/path/to/source/source.scss", "/path/to/dest/dest.css");
IEnumerable<string> files = result.Files;

Result file: /path/to/dest/dest.css and /path/to/dest/dest.css.map if Source maps enabled.

Compile multiple files

Use CompileToFilesAsync method to compile multiple files. It has 2 overload.

First accept list of strings with source files.

var sourceFiles = new string[]

SassFilesCompilationResult result = await compiler.CompileToFilesAsync(sourceFiles);
IEnumerable<string> files = result.Files;

All output files will be placed near it source file. Or you can pass additional parameter to specify output directory.

SassFilesCompilationResult result = await compiler.CompileToFilesAsync(sourceFiles, "/path/to/dest");
IEnumerable<string> files = result.Files;

Second accept dictionary where key is source file and value is output file.

var sourceFiles = new Dictionaty<string, string>
    { "path/to/source.sass", "dest.css" }, // Will be placed near source file
    { "path/to/source2.sass", "path/to/dest2.css" },
    { "path/to/source3.sass", null } // Will be generated source3.css file and placed near source file
    { "path/to/source4.sass", "path/to/dest/" } // Will be generated source4.css file and placed in path/to/dest/

SassFilesCompilationResult result = await compiler.CompileToFilesAsync(sourceFiles);
IEnumerable<string> files = result.Files;

Also you can pass as second parameter output directory and all files without reletive or ablsolute path will be placed in that directory


If output contains some Warnings, Deprecation Warnings or Debug messages they are will be presented in result.

SassCodeCompilationResult result = await compiler.CompileAsync("/path/to/source.scss");
string code = result.Code;

// Warnings
IEnumerable<SassMessage> warnings = result.Warnings;

foreach (var warning in warnings) {
    string message = warning.Message;
    string stackTrace = warning.StackTrace;
    string rawMessage = warning.RawMessage;

// Deprecation warnings
IEnumerable<SassDeprecationWarning> deprecationWarnings = result.DeprecationWarnings;

foreach (var deprecationWarning in deprecationWarnings) {
    string message = deprecationWarning.Message;
    // Recomendation from Sass
    string recomendation = deprecationWarning.Recommendation;
    string stackTrace = deprecationWarning.StackTrace;
    string rawMessage = deprecationWarning.RawMessage;

// Debug
IEnumerable<SassMessage> debugMessages = result.Debug;

foreach (var debugMessage in debugMessages) {
    string message = debugMessage.Message;
    string stackTrace = debugMessage.StackTrace;
    string rawMessage = debugMessage.RawMessage;


If compilation fails with errors it throws SassCompileException. It contains next properties:


Also you can get version of used Dart Sass runtime.

var version = await compiler.GetVersionAsync();