<h1><img src="./Misc/logo.png" width="64" align="center"> Valve Pak (vpk) for .NET</h1>VPK (Valve Pak) files are uncompressed archives used to package game content. This library allows you to read and extract files out of these paks.
using var package = new Package();
// Open a vpk file
// Can also pass in a stream
// Optionally verify hashes and signatures of the file if there are any
// Find a file, this returns a PackageEntry
var file = package.FindEntry("path/to/file.txt");
if (file != null) {
// Read a file to a byte array
package.ReadEntry(file, out byte[] fileContents);
Do note that files such as pak01_001.vpk
are just data files, you have to open pak01_dir.vpk