

ChatterUI - A simple app for LLMs

ChatterUI is a native mobile frontend for LLMs.

Run LLMs on device or connect to various commercial or open source APIs. ChatterUI aims to provide a mobile-friendly interface with fine-grained control over chat structuring.

If you like the app, feel free support me here:

<a href="https://ko-fi.com/vali98" target='_blank'><img height='35' style='border:0px;height:46px;' src='https://az743702.vo.msecnd.net/cdn/kofi3.png?v=0' border='0' alt='Support me on ko-fi.com' /></a>

<div> Chat With Characters or Assistants <br/> <img src ="https://github.com/Vali-98/ChatterUI/blob/master/assets/screenshots/characterlist.png" width="150" > <img src ="https://github.com/Vali-98/ChatterUI/blob/master/assets/screenshots/chat.png" width="150" > <br/> Use on-device Models or APIs <br/> <img src ="https://github.com/Vali-98/ChatterUI/blob/master/assets/screenshots/models.png" width="150" > <img src ="https://github.com/Vali-98/ChatterUI/blob/master/assets/screenshots/api.png" width="150" > <br/> Modify And Customize <br/> <img src ="https://github.com/Vali-98/ChatterUI/blob/master/assets/screenshots/charactereditor.png" width="150" > <img src ="https://github.com/Vali-98/ChatterUI/blob/master/assets/screenshots/settings.png" width="150" > <br/> Personalize Yourself <br/> <img src ="https://github.com/Vali-98/ChatterUI/blob/master/assets/screenshots/usereditor.png" width="150" > <img src ="https://github.com/Vali-98/ChatterUI/blob/master/assets/screenshots/userlist.png" width="150" > </div>




Download and install latest APK from the releases page.

<i>iOS is Currently unavailable due to lacking iOS hardware for development</i>

Local Mode

ChatterUI uses a llama.cpp under the hood to run gguf files on device. A custom adapter is used to integrate with react-native: cui-llama.rn

To use on-device inferencing, first enable Local Mode, then go to Models > Import Model / Use External Model and choose a gguf model that can fit on your device's memory. The importing functions are as follows:

After that, you can load the model and begin chatting!

Note: For devices with Snapdragon 8 Gen 1 and above or Exynos 2200+, it is recommended to use the Q4_0 quantization for optimized performance.

Remote Mode

Remote Mode allows you to connect to a few common APIs from both commercial and open source projects.

Open Source Backends:

Dedicated API:

Generic backends:

These should be compliant with any Text Completion/Chat Completion backends such as Groq or Infermatic.

Custom APIs:

Is your API provider missing? ChatterUI allows you to define APIs using its template system.

Read more about it here!



To run a development build, follow these simple steps:

git clone https://github.com/Vali-98/ChatterUI.git
npm install
npx expo run:android

Building an APK

Requires Node.js, Java 17/21 SDK and Android SDK. Expo uses EAS to build apps which requires a Linux environment.

  1. Clone the repo.
  2. Rename the eas.json.example to eas.json.
  3. Modify "ANDROID_SDK_ROOT" to the directory of your Android SDK
  4. Run the following:
npm install
eas build --platform android --local


Currently untested as I do not own hardware for iOS development. Assistance here would be greatly appreciated!

Possible issues:
