

SpQR model compression

Note: This repository contains quantization algorithm and the model evaluation code for SpQR method for LLM compression; The efficient inference code will be added soon.

It accompanies the research paper "SpQR: A Sparse-Quantized Representation for Near-Lossless LLM Weight Compression" .



To run SpQR with falcon make sure that you have torch>=2.0.0 with CUDA support.

Install packages from requirements.txt:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Note: the results reported in the ArXiv paper where obtained using 4.28.dev0 version of transformers, commit id 464d420775.

Loading / caching datasets and tokenizer

The script will require downloading and caching locally the relevant tokenizer and the datasets. They will be saved in default Huggingface Datasets directory unless alternative location is provided by env variables. See relevant Datasets documentation section


This repository is expected to work with models of LLaMA, Falcon and OPT families so far.


For quantization with SpQR its is recommended to use the subset of the data model was trained on. I.e. for quantization of LLaMA models we recommend to use the subset of RedPajama and for Falcon quantization - RefinedWeb.Both subsets are stored in data directory:

Note These subsets are already processed with the corresponding model tokenizer. Use for different model will lead to unexpected behavior.

For OPT following GPTQ paper we recommend to use c4.

W&B logging

For the sake of convenience one can optionally log the data to Weights and Biases service (wandb). Run pip install wandb for W&B logging. Specify $WANDB_ENTITY, $WANDB_PROJECT, $WANDB_NAME environment variables prior to running experiments. use --wandb argument to enable logging


GPU and RAM requirements

This code was developed and tested using a single A100 GPU with 80GB GPU RAM. It may successfully run on GPUs with 32GB+ VRAM for perplexity evaluation of up to LLaMA-65B and Falcon-40B models. With --offload activations option, the model perplexity may be evaluated on machines with less VRAM: 24GB+ for Llama 65B and 6GB+ for Llama 7B. The perplexity testing code also requires RAM amount sufficient to hold uncompressed model weights (e.g. ~130GB for Llama65B) and testing datasets. For Language Model Evaluation Harness evaluation one needs to have enough memory to load whole model on one or several devices + activation tensors.

Model downloading

The code requires the LLaMA model to be downloaded in Huggingface format and saved locally. The scripts below assume that $TRANSFORMERS_CACHE variable points to the Huggingface Transformers cache folder.

Perplexity benchmarks:

This script compresses the model and then tests its performance in terms of perplexity using WikiText2, C4, and Penn Treebank datasets.

The command to launch the script should look like this:


python main.py $MODEL_PATH $DATASET \
    --wbits 4 \
    --groupsize 16 \
    --perchannel \
    --qq_scale_bits 3 \
    --qq_zero_bits 3 \
    --qq_groupsize 16 \
    --outlier_threshold=0.2 \
    --permutation_order act_order \
    --percdamp 1e0 \
    --nsamples 128 

The command above runs near-lossless compression as described in the article. Adjusting the above parameters allows for tighter compression with a slightly greater loss.

Note the launch arguments:

LM Evaluation Harness benchmark.

To perform zero-shot evaluation, we use Language Model Evaluation Harness framework with slight modifications. This repository contains a copy of LM Evaluation Harness repo from early 2023 in lm-eval-harness folder.


Before running the code make sure that you have all the requirements and dependencies of lm-eval-harness installed. To install them run:

pip install -r lm-evaluation-harness/requirements.txt


The main script launching the evaluation procedure is lmeval.py .

Note. Current version of the script support only LLaMA/Falcon quantization. Therefore, set:

--quantization_args - list of comma separated arguments for quantizer. For details and options refer to spqr_config.py.

Below is presented an example of benchmark launch.


python lmeval.py \
    --model hf-causal \
    --model_args pretrained=$MODEL_PATH,dtype=float16,use_accelerate=True \
    --quantization_args dataset=$DATASET,wbits=4,groupsize=16,perchannel=True,qq_scale_bits=3,qq_zero_bits=3,qq_groupsize=16,percdamp=1.0,outlier_threshold=0.2,simplified_outliers=False,nsamples=128,offload_activations=True \
    --tasks winogrande,piqa,hellaswag,arc_easy,arc_challenge \
    --batch_size 1

Performance and runtime notes:


This repository also contains an efficient CUDA kernel implementation of the SpQR matvec. The file inference_demo.py h orcontains a demo of this functionality by running end-to-end model inference. Below is an example of how to launch it.

usage: inference_demo.py [-h] [--pretrained_model_path PRETRAINED_MODEL_PATH] [--compressed_model_path COMPRESSED_MODEL_PATH] --execution_mode {0,1}

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --pretrained_model_path PRETRAINED_MODEL_PATH
                        Path to the model to the pretrained model
  --compressed_model_path COMPRESSED_MODEL_PATH
                        Path to the compressed .pt model
  --execution_mode {0,1}
                        If set to 0, will evaluate the dense pretrained model. If set to 1, will evaluate the spqr-quantized model

This script also reports the mean and median time of the forward() passes and the total inference execution time.

Pre-Requisites for Running the Conversion Scripts, Tests and Benchmarks

In order to run the benchmark and test suite you need to build the sources used by these scripts. You can do so by running the following command:

/bin/bash scripts/build.sh 

which simply runs the setup.py script.

Conversion From Legacy to Optimized SPQR Storage

After running SpQR which produces the tensors stored in int8, in order to run the efficient inference kernels, one must convert the tensors produces by SpQR (legacy tensors) into the optimized storage format used by the cuda kernel. In order to do so, run the following script:

usage: convert_legacy_model_format.py [-h] --base_model BASE_MODEL --legacy_model_path LEGACY_MODEL_PATH [--sparse_strategy {csr,ptcsr,optimize_latency}] [--save_pt SAVE_PT] [--save_per_layer SAVE_PER_LAYER]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --base_model BASE_MODEL
                        path or name of the unquantized model
  --legacy_model_path LEGACY_MODEL_PATH
                        path to legacy model
  --sparse_strategy {csr,ptcsr,optimize_latency}
                        Sparse strategy storage. Options: csr, ptcsr, auto. CSR - Compressed Sparse Rows PTCSR - Alternative storage format optimize_latency - Use the current GPU to determine the optimal storage format to reduce
                        kernel latency
  --save_pt SAVE_PT     Save the converted quantized .pt model here
  --save_per_layer SAVE_PER_LAYER
                        Save the converted quantized m

Hugginface Conversion

To convert a model into a Hugging Face compatible format, use convert_to_hf.py script:

usage: convert_to_hf.py [-h] [--model MODEL] [--config_path CONFIG_PATH] [--in_path_pt IN_PATH_PT] [--out_path OUT_PATH] [--save_safetensors] [--trust_remote_code] [--load_model] [--save_tokenizer]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --model MODEL         Path to the model to base config on, as in AutoConfig.from_pretrained()
  --config_path CONFIG_PATH
                        Path to the model to base config on, as in AutoConfig.from_pretrained()
  --in_path_pt IN_PATH_PT
                        Path of the checkpoint to convert
  --out_path OUT_PATH   Path to save HF compatible checkpoint to
  --save_safetensors    Whether to save in safetensors format
  --trust_remote_code   Whether to trust remote code
  --load_model          Whether to load model
  --save_tokenizer      Whether to save tokenizer

Benchmarks (matvec kernel)

In order to run the matvec benchmark suite, one should run:

bench_spqr.py [-h] --tensor_path TENSOR_PATH [--ptcsr_path PTCSR_PATH] [--output_path OUTPUT_PATH]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --tensor_path TENSOR_PATH
                        Path to folder containing the tensors of the formmodel_path/ 0/ tensor0 tensor1
  --ptcsr_path PTCSR_PATH
                        Path to folder containing the tensors of the formmodel_path/ 0/ tensor0 tensor1
  --output_path OUTPUT_PATH
                        Path to results *.csv file.

Make sure that the <tensor_path> and the optional <ptcsr_path. point to a folder containing quantized matrices produced by the convert_legacy_model_format.py script. Use <cuda_device_id> to set the cuda device during benchmark. The script outputs the results in <results_output>.


In order to run the unittest, simply execute:

python3 tests/test.py


      title={SpQR: A Sparse-Quantized Representation for Near-Lossless LLM Weight Compression}, 
      author={Tim Dettmers and Ruslan Svirschevski and Vage Egiazarian and Denis Kuznedelev and Elias Frantar and Saleh Ashkboos and Alexander Borzunov and Torsten Hoefler and Dan Alistarh},