

Stride Game Engine Tutorials

This repo is going to list some tutorials and examples for Stride - Open-source C# Game Engine.


All examples are in .NET 5 using C# 9.0 or .NET 6 using C# 10.

Stride3D tutorials and examples

Drag and DropResearch
Code Only ApproachResearch
Multi ScreenResearch

Drag And Drop

Very basic implementation of drag and drop window, using Canvas. This demo is using:

Q1: The font is not sharp and white?

Additional set up (Clean UI) is needed https://github.com/stride3d/stride/issues/1154.

Q2: Why are cubes moving funny once landed?

Q3: Why the application gets problem with 10,000 boxes?

Code Only Approach

Project https://github.com/VaclavElias/stride-code-only


Why would you use Code Only and not Stride Editor?

There might be many reasons, including:

Please, let me know through Issues if you find any other reasons.

Used Resources


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Multi Screen

This will be an example of using SignalR and Stride, to use a browser for a game output, simple interaction from a browser with a game. I wish we had multi screen games where the other screens could be used as a Dashboard or Control Panels or anything you would like to see but not have it in the main game window, still some interactions from these side screens would be nice.

I have got a working prototype just need to make is more user friendly to move here.

Other Stride3D tutorials and examples