

<h2 align="center"><img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/VSCodeVim/Vim/master/images/icon.png" height="128"><br>VSCodeVim</h2> <p align="center"><strong>Vim emulation for Visual Studio Code</strong></p> <!-- TODO: use pgns or something; otherwise vsce won't package it [![](https://vsmarketplacebadge.apphb.com/version/vscodevim.vim.svg)](http://aka.ms/vscodevim) [![](https://vsmarketplacebadge.apphb.com/installs-short/vscodevim.vim.svg)](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=vscodevim.vim) [![](https://github.com/VSCodeVim/Vim/workflows/build/badge.svg?branch=master)](https://github.com/VSCodeVim/Vim/actions?query=workflow%3Abuild+branch%3Amaster) -->

VSCodeVim is a Vim emulator for Visual Studio Code.

<details> <summary><strong>Table of Contents</strong> (click to expand)</summary> </details>

💾 Installation

VSCodeVim can be installed via the VS Code Marketplace.


To enable key-repeating, execute the following in your Terminal, log out and back in, and then restart VS Code:

defaults write com.microsoft.VSCode ApplePressAndHoldEnabled -bool false              # For VS Code
defaults write com.microsoft.VSCodeInsiders ApplePressAndHoldEnabled -bool false      # For VS Code Insider
defaults write com.vscodium ApplePressAndHoldEnabled -bool false                      # For VS Codium
defaults write com.microsoft.VSCodeExploration ApplePressAndHoldEnabled -bool false   # For VS Codium Exploration users
defaults delete -g ApplePressAndHoldEnabled                                           # If necessary, reset global default

We also recommend increasing Key Repeat and Delay Until Repeat settings in System Preferences -> Keyboard.


Like real vim, VSCodeVim will take over your control keys. This behavior can be adjusted with the useCtrlKeys and handleKeys settings.

⚙️ Settings

The settings documented here are a subset of the supported settings; the full list is described in the Contributions tab of VSCodeVim's extension details page, which can be found in the extensions view of VS Code.

Quick Example

Below is an example of a settings.json file with settings relevant to VSCodeVim:

  "vim.easymotion": true,
  "vim.incsearch": true,
  "vim.useSystemClipboard": true,
  "vim.useCtrlKeys": true,
  "vim.hlsearch": true,
  "vim.insertModeKeyBindings": [
      "before": ["j", "j"],
      "after": ["<Esc>"]
  "vim.normalModeKeyBindingsNonRecursive": [
      "before": ["<leader>", "d"],
      "after": ["d", "d"]
      "before": ["<C-n>"],
      "commands": [":nohl"]
      "before": ["K"],
      "commands": ["lineBreakInsert"],
      "silent": true
  "vim.leader": "<space>",
  "vim.handleKeys": {
    "<C-a>": false,
    "<C-f>": false

  "// To improve performance",
  "extensions.experimental.affinity": {
    "vscodevim.vim": 1

VSCodeVim settings

These settings are specific to VSCodeVim.

SettingDescriptionTypeDefault Value
vim.changeWordIncludesWhitespaceInclude trailing whitespace when changing word. This configures the <kbd>cw</kbd> action to act consistently as its siblings (<kbd>yw</kbd> and <kbd>dw</kbd>) instead of acting as <kbd>ce</kbd>.Booleanfalse
vim.cursorStylePerMode.{Mode}Configure a specific cursor style for {Mode}. Omitted modes will use default cursor type Supported cursors: line, block, underline, line-thin, block-outline, and underline-thin.StringNone
vim.digraphs.{shorthand}Set custom digraph shorthands that can override the default ones. Entries should map a two-character shorthand to a descriptive string and one or more UTF16 code points. Example: "R!": ["🚀", [55357, 56960]]Object{"R!": ["🚀", [0xD83D, 0xDE80]]
vim.disableExtensionDisable VSCodeVim extension. This setting can also be toggled using toggleVim command in the Command PaletteBooleanfalse
vim.handleKeysDelegate configured keys to be handled by VS Code instead of by the VSCodeVim extension. Any key in keybindings section of the package.json that has a vim.use<C-...> in the when argument can be delegated back to VS Code by setting "<C-...>": false. Example: to use ctrl+f for find (native VS Code behavior): "vim.handleKeys": { "<C-f>": false }.String"<C-d>": true<br /> "<C-s>": false<br /> "<C-z>": false
vim.overrideCopyOverride VS Code's copy command with our own, which works correctly with VSCodeVim. If cmd-c/ctrl-c is giving you issues, set this to false and complain here.Booleanfalse
vim.useSystemClipboardUse the system clipboard register (*) as the default registerBooleanfalse
vim.searchHighlightColorBackground color of non-current search matchesStringfindMatchHighlightBackground ThemeColor
vim.searchHighlightTextColorForeground color of non-current search matchesStringNone
vim.searchMatchColorBackground color of current search matchStringfindMatchBackground ThemeColor
vim.searchMatchTextColorForeground color of current search matchStringNone
vim.substitutionColorBackground color of substitution text when vim.inccommand is enabledString"#50f01080"
vim.substitutionTextColorForeground color of substitution text when vim.inccommand is enabledStringNone
vim.startInInsertModeStart in Insert mode instead of Normal ModeBooleanfalse
vim.useCtrlKeysEnable Vim ctrl keys overriding common VS Code operations such as copy, paste, find, etc.Booleantrue
vim.visualstarIn visual mode, start a search with * or # using the current selectionBooleanfalse
vim.highlightedyank.enableEnable highlighting when yankingBooleanfalse
vim.highlightedyank.colorSet the color of yank highlightsStringrgba(250, 240, 170, 0.5)
vim.highlightedyank.durationSet the duration of yank highlightsNumber200

Neovim Integration

:warning: Experimental feature. Please leave feedback on neovim integration here.

To leverage neovim for Ex-commands,

  1. Install neovim
  2. Modify the following configurations:
SettingDescriptionTypeDefault Value
vim.enableNeovimEnable NeovimBooleanfalse
vim.neovimPathFull path to neovim executable. If left empty, PATH environment variable will be automatically checked for neovim path.String
vim.neovimUseConfigFileIf true, Neovim will load a config file specified by vim.neovimConfigPath. This is necessary if you want Neovim to be able to use its own plugins.Booleanfalse
vim.neovimConfigPathPath that Neovim will load as config file. If left blank, Neovim will search in its default location.String

Here's some ideas on what you can do with neovim integration:

Key Remapping

Custom remappings are defined on a per-mode basis.


    "vim.insertModeKeyBindings": [
            "before": ["j", "j"],
            "after": ["<Esc>"]
    "vim.normalModeKeyBindings": [
            "before": ["£"],
            "after": ["#"]
    "vim.normalModeKeyBindings": [
            "before": [":"],
            "commands": [
            "silent": true
    "vim.normalModeKeyBindings": [
            "before": ["<leader>", "m"],
            "commands": [
            "before": ["<leader>", "b"],
            "commands": [
    "vim.normalModeKeyBindings": [
            "commands": [
            "before": ["leader", "w"],
            "commands": [
    "vim.operatorPendingModeKeyBindings": [
            "before": ["{"],
            "after": ["w"]
    "vim.operatorPendingModeKeyBindings": [
            "before": ["L"],
            "after": ["$"]
            "before": ["H"],
            "after": ["^"]
    "vim.visualModeKeyBindings": [
            "before": [
            "commands": [
            "before": [
            "commands": [
    "vim.visualModeKeyBindings": [
            "before": [
                "<leader>", "v", "i", "m"
            "commands": [
                    "command": "git.clone",
                    "args": [ "https://github.com/VSCodeVim/Vim.git" ]


    "vim.normalModeKeyBindingsNonRecursive": [
            "before": ["j"],
            "after": ["k"]
            "before": ["k"],
            "after": ["j"]
    "vim.operatorPendingModeKeyBindingsNonRecursive": [
            "before": ["("],
            "after": ["i("]
    "vim.visualModeKeyBindingsNonRecursive": [
            "before": [
            "after": [

Debugging Remappings

  1. Adjust the extension's logging level to 'debug' and open the Output window:

    1. Run Developer: Set Log Level from the command palette.
    2. Select Vim, then Debug
    3. Run Developer: Reload window
    4. In the bottom panel, open the Output tab and select Vim from the dropdown selection.
  2. Are your configurations correct?

    As each remapped configuration is loaded, it is logged to the Vim Output panel. Do you see any errors?

    debug: Remapper: normalModeKeyBindingsNonRecursive. before=0. after=^.
    debug: Remapper: insertModeKeyBindings. before=j,j. after=<Esc>.
    error: Remapper: insertModeKeyBindings. Invalid configuration. Missing 'after' key or 'commands'. before=j,k.

    Misconfigured configurations are ignored.

  3. Does the extension handle the keys you are trying to remap?

    VSCodeVim explicitly instructs VS Code which key events we care about through the package.json. If the key you are trying to remap is a key in which vim/vscodevim generally does not handle, then it's most likely that this extension does not receive those key events from VS Code. In the Vim Output panel, you should see:

    debug: ModeHandler: handling key=A.
    debug: ModeHandler: handling key=l.
    debug: ModeHandler: handling key=<BS>.
    debug: ModeHandler: handling key=<C-a>.

    As you press the key that you are trying to remap, do you see it outputted here? If not, it means we don't subscribe to those key events. It is still possible to remap those keys by using VSCode's keybindings.json (see next section: Remapping more complex key combinations).

Remapping more complex key combinations

It is highly recommended to remap keys using vim commands like "vim.normalModeKeyBindings" (see here). But sometimes the usual remapping commands are not enough as they do not support every key combinations possible (for example Alt+key or Ctrl+Shift+key). In this case it is possible to create new keybindings inside keybindings.json. To do so: open up keybindings.json in VSCode using CTRL+SHIFT+P and select Open keyboard shortcuts (JSON).

You can then add a new entry to the keybindings like so:

  "command": "vim.remap",
  "when": "inputFocus && vim.mode == 'VIM_MODE_YOU_WANT_TO_REBIND'",
  "args": {
    "after": ["YOUR_VIM_ACTION"]

For example, to rebind ctrl+shift+y to VSCodeVim's yy (yank line) in normal mode, add this to your keybindings.json:

  "key": "ctrl+shift+y",
  "command": "vim.remap",
  "when": "inputFocus && vim.mode == 'Normal'",
  "args": {
    "after": ["y", "y"]

If keybindings.json is empty the first time you open it, make sure to add opening [ and closing ] square brackets to the file as the keybindings should be inside a JSON Array.

Vim modes

Here are all the modes used by VSCodeVim:


When rebinding keys in keybindings.json using "when clause context", it can be useful to know in which mode vim currently is. For example to write a "when clause" that checks if vim is currently in normal mode or visual mode it is possible to write the following:

"when": "vim.mode == 'Normal' || vim.mode == 'Visual'",

Vim settings

Configuration settings that have been copied from vim. Vim settings are loaded in the following sequence:

  1. :set {setting}
  2. vim.{setting} from user/workspace settings.
  3. VS Code settings
  4. VSCodeVim default values
SettingDescriptionTypeDefault Value
vim.autoindentCopy indent from current line when starting a new lineBooleantrue
vim.gdefaultWhen on, the :substitute flag g is default on. This means that all matches in a line are substituted instead of one. When a g flag is given to a :substitute command, this will toggle the substitution of all or one match.Booleanfalse
vim.hlsearchHighlights all text matching current searchBooleanfalse
vim.ignorecaseIgnore case in search patternsBooleantrue
vim.incsearchShow the next match while entering a searchBooleantrue
vim.inccommandShow the effects of the :substitute command while typingStringreplace
vim.joinspacesAdd two spaces after '.', '?', and '!' when joining or reformattingBooleantrue
vim.leaderDefines key for <leader> to be used in key remappingsString\
vim.maxmapdepthMaximum number of times a mapping is done without resulting in a character to be used. This normally catches endless mappings, like ":map x y" with ":map y x". It still does not catch ":map g wg", because the 'w' is used before the next mapping is done.Number1000
vim.reportThreshold for reporting number of lines changed.Number2
vim.shellPath to the shell to use for ! and :! commands.String/bin/sh on Unix, %COMSPEC% environment variable on Windows
vim.showcmdShow (partial) command in status barBooleantrue
vim.showmodenameShow name of current mode in status barBooleantrue
vim.smartcaseOverride the 'ignorecase' setting if search pattern contains uppercase charactersBooleantrue
vim.textwidthWidth to word-wrap when using gqNumber80
vim.timeoutTimeout in milliseconds for remapped commandsNumber1000
vim.whichwrapAllow specified keys that move the cursor left/right to move to the previous/next line when the cursor is on the first/last character in the line. See :help whichwrap.Stringb,s

.vimrc support

:warning: .vimrc support is currently experimental. Only remaps are supported, and you may experience bugs. Please report them!

Set vim.vimrc.enable to true and set vim.vimrc.path appropriately.

🖱️ Multi-Cursor Mode

:warning: Multi-Cursor mode is experimental. Please report issues in our feedback thread.

Enter multi-cursor mode by:

Once you have multiple cursors, you should be able to use Vim commands as you see fit. Most should work; some are unsupported (ref PR#587).

🔌 Emulated Plugins


:warning: There are performance implications to using this plugin. In order to change the status bar, we override the configurations in your workspace settings.json which results in increased latency and a constant changing diff in your working directory (see issue#2124).

Change the color of the status bar based on the current mode. Once enabled, configure "vim.statusBarColors". Colors can be defined for each mode either as string (background only), or string[] (background, foreground).

    "vim.statusBarColorControl": true,
    "vim.statusBarColors.normal": ["#8FBCBB", "#434C5E"],
    "vim.statusBarColors.insert": "#BF616A",
    "vim.statusBarColors.visual": "#B48EAD",
    "vim.statusBarColors.visualline": "#B48EAD",
    "vim.statusBarColors.visualblock": "#A3BE8C",
    "vim.statusBarColors.replace": "#D08770",
    "vim.statusBarColors.commandlineinprogress": "#007ACC",
    "vim.statusBarColors.searchinprogressmode": "#007ACC",
    "vim.statusBarColors.easymotionmode": "#007ACC",
    "vim.statusBarColors.easymotioninputmode": "#007ACC",
    "vim.statusBarColors.surroundinputmode": "#007ACC",


Based on vim-easymotion and configured through the following settings:

SettingDescriptionTypeDefault Value
vim.easymotionEnable/disable easymotion pluginBooleanfalse
vim.easymotionMarkerBackgroundColorThe background color of the marker box.String'#0000'
vim.easymotionMarkerForegroundColorOneCharThe font color for one-character markers.String'#ff0000'
vim.easymotionMarkerForegroundColorTwoCharFirstThe font color for the first of two-character markers, used to differentiate from one-character markers.String'#ffb400'
vim.easymotionMarkerForegroundColorTwoCharSecondThe font color for the second of two-character markers, used to differentiate consecutive markers.String'#b98300'
vim.easymotionIncSearchForegroundColorThe font color for the search n-character command, used to highlight the matches.String'#7fbf00'
vim.easymotionDimColorThe font color for the dimmed characters, used when #vim.easymotionDimBackground# is set to true.String'#777777'
vim.easymotionDimBackgroundWhether to dim other text while markers are visible.Booleantrue
vim.easymotionMarkerFontWeightThe font weight used for the marker text.String'bold'
vim.easymotionKeysThe characters used for jump marker nameString'hklyuiopnm,qwertzxcvbasdgjf;'
vim.easymotionJumpToAnywhereRegexCustom regex to match for JumpToAnywhere motion (analogous to Easymotion_re_anywhere)String\b[A-Za-z0-9]|[A-Za-z0-9]\b|_.|#.|[a-z][A-Z]

Once easymotion is active, initiate motions using the following commands. After you initiate the motion, text decorators/markers will be displayed and you can press the keys displayed to jump to that position. leader is configurable and is \ by default.

Motion CommandDescription
<leader><leader> s <char>Search character
<leader><leader> f <char>Find character forwards
<leader><leader> F <char>Find character backwards
<leader><leader> t <char>Til character forwards
<leader><leader> T <char>Til character backwards
<leader><leader> wStart of word forwards
<leader><leader> bStart of word backwards
<leader><leader> lMatches beginning & ending of word, camelCase, after _, and after # forwards
<leader><leader> hMatches beginning & ending of word, camelCase, after _, and after # backwards
<leader><leader> eEnd of word forwards
<leader><leader> geEnd of word backwards
<leader><leader> jStart of line forwards
<leader><leader> kStart of line backwards
<leader><leader> / <char>... <CR>Search n-character
<leader><leader><leader> bdtTil character
<leader><leader><leader> bdwStart of word
<leader><leader><leader> bdeEnd of word
<leader><leader><leader> bdjkStart of line
<leader><leader><leader> jJumpToAnywhere motion; default behavior matches beginning & ending of word, camelCase, after _ and after #

<leader><leader> (2s|2f|2F|2t|2T) <char><char> and <leader><leader><leader> bd2t <char>char> are also available. The difference is character count required for search. For example, <leader><leader> 2s <char><char> requires two characters, and search by two characters. This mapping is not a standard mapping, so it is recommended to use your custom mapping.


Based on surround.vim, the plugin is used to work with surrounding characters like parentheses, brackets, quotes, and XML tags.

SettingDescriptionTypeDefault Value
vim.surroundEnable/disable vim-surroundBooleantrue

t or < as <desired> or <existing> will enter tag entry mode. Using <CR> instead of > to finish changing a tag will preserve any existing attributes.

Surround CommandDescription
y s <motion> <desired>Add desired surround around text defined by <motion>
d s <existing>Delete existing surround
c s <existing> <desired>Change existing surround to desired
S <desired>Surround when in visual modes (surrounds full selection)

Some examples:


Similar to vim-commentary, but uses the VS Code native Toggle Line Comment and Toggle Block Comment features.

Usage examples:


Based on vim-indent-object, it allows for treating blocks of code at the current indentation level as text objects. Useful in languages that don't use braces around statements (e.g. Python).

Provided there is a new line between the opening and closing braces / tag, it can be considered an agnostic cib/ci{/ci[/cit.

<operator>iiThis indentation level
<operator>aiThis indentation level and the line above (think if statements in Python)
<operator>aIThis indentation level, the line above, and the line after (think if statements in C/C++/Java/etc)


Based on vim-sneak, it allows for jumping to any location specified by two characters.

SettingDescriptionTypeDefault Value
vim.sneakEnable/disable vim-sneakBooleanfalse
vim.sneakUseIgnorecaseAndSmartcaseRespect vim.ignorecase and vim.smartcase while sneakingBooleanfalse

Once sneak is active, initiate motions using the following commands. For operators sneak uses z instead of s because s is already taken by the surround plugin.

Motion CommandDescription
s<char><char>Move forward to the first occurrence of <char><char>
S<char><char>Move backward to the first occurrence of <char><char>
<operator>z<char><char>Perform <operator> forward to the first occurrence of <char><char>
<operator>Z<char><char>Perform <operator> backward to the first occurrence of <char><char>


Based on CamelCaseMotion, though not an exact emulation. This plugin provides an easier way to move through camelCase and snake_case words.

SettingDescriptionTypeDefault Value
vim.camelCaseMotion.enableEnable/disable CamelCaseMotionBooleanfalse

Once CamelCaseMotion is enabled, the following motions are available:

Motion CommandDescription
<leader>wMove forward to the start of the next camelCase or snake_case word segment
<leader>eMove forward to the next end of a camelCase or snake_case word segment
<leader>bMove back to the prior beginning of a camelCase or snake_case word segment
<operator>i<leader>wSelect/change/delete/etc. the current camelCase or snake_case word segment

By default, <leader> is mapped to \, so for example, d2i\w would delete the current and next camelCase word segment.

Input Method

Disable input method when exiting Insert Mode.

vim.autoSwitchInputMethod.enableBoolean denoting whether autoSwitchInputMethod is on/off.
vim.autoSwitchInputMethod.defaultIMDefault input method.
vim.autoSwitchInputMethod.obtainIMCmdThe full path to command to retrieve the current input method key.
vim.autoSwitchInputMethod.switchIMCmdThe full path to command to switch input method, with {im} a placeholder for input method key.

Any third-party program can be used to switch input methods. The following will walkthrough the configuration using im-select.

  1. Install im-select (see installation guide)

  2. Find your default input method key

    • Mac:

      Switch your input method to English, and run the following in your terminal: /<path-to-im-select-installation>/im-select to output your default input method. The table below lists the common English key layouts for MacOS.

    • Windows:

      Refer to the im-select guide on how to discover your input method key. Generally, if your keyboard layout is en_US the input method key is 1033 (the locale ID of en_US). You can also find your locale ID from this page, where the LCID Decimal column is the locale ID.

  3. Configure vim.autoSwitchInputMethod.

    • MacOS:

      Given the input method key of com.apple.keylayout.US and im-select located at /usr/local/bin. The configuration is:

      "vim.autoSwitchInputMethod.enable": true,
      "vim.autoSwitchInputMethod.defaultIM": "com.apple.keylayout.US",
      "vim.autoSwitchInputMethod.obtainIMCmd": "/usr/local/bin/im-select",
      "vim.autoSwitchInputMethod.switchIMCmd": "/usr/local/bin/im-select {im}"
    • Windows:

      Given the input method key of 1033 (en_US) and im-select.exe located at D:/bin. The configuration is:

      "vim.autoSwitchInputMethod.enable": true,
      "vim.autoSwitchInputMethod.defaultIM": "1033",
      "vim.autoSwitchInputMethod.obtainIMCmd": "D:\\bin\\im-select.exe",
      "vim.autoSwitchInputMethod.switchIMCmd": "D:\\bin\\im-select.exe {im}"

The {im} argument above is a command-line option that will be passed to im-select denoting the input method to switch to. If using an alternative program to switch input methods, you should add a similar option to the configuration. For example, if the program's usage is my-program -s imKey to switch input method, the vim.autoSwitchInputMethod.switchIMCmd should be /path/to/my-program -s {im}.


Based on ReplaceWithRegister, an easy way to replace existing text with the contents of a register.

SettingDescriptionTypeDefault Value
vim.replaceWithRegisterEnable/disable ReplaceWithRegisterBooleanfalse

Once active, type gr (say "go replace") followed by a motion to describe the text you want replaced by the contents of the register.

Motion CommandDescription
[count]["a]gr<motion>Replace the text described by the motion with the contents of the specified register
[count]["a]grrReplace the [count] lines or current line with the contents of the specified register
{Visual}["a]grReplace the selection with the contents of the specified register


Similar to vim-textobj-entire.

Adds two useful text-objects:

Usage examples:


Similar to the argument text object in targets.vim. It is an easy way to deal with arguments inside functions in most programming languages.

Motion CommandDescription
<operator>iaThe argument excluding separators.
<operator>aaThe argument including separators.

Usage examples:

SettingDescriptionTypeDefault Value
vim.argumentObjectOpeningDelimitersA list of opening delimitersString list["(", "["]
vim.argumentObjectClosingDelimitersA list of closing delimitersString list[")", "]"]
vim.argumentObjectSeparatorsA list of object separatorsString list[","]

🎩 VSCodeVim tricks!

VS Code has a lot of nifty tricks and we try to preserve some of them:

📚 F.A.Q.

❤️ Contributing

This project is maintained by a group of awesome people and contributions are extremely welcome :heart:. For a quick tutorial on how you can help, see our contributing guide.

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Special shoutouts to: