

Freeze-Omni: A Smart and Low Latency Speech-to-speech Dialogue Model with Frozen LLM

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👀 Freeze-Omni Overview

Freeze-Omni is a speech-to-speech dialogue model, exhibiting the characteristic of being "smart" as it is constructed upon a "frozen" text-modality LLM. This enables it to keep the original intelligence of the LLM backbone, without being affected by the forgetting problem induced by the fine-tuning process for integration of the speech modality. Specifically, Freeze-Omni contains a speech encoder that supports streaming speech input and a speech decoder that generates streaming output speech. Three key strategies are adopted to implement the speech-to-speech dialogue system:

<p align="center"> <img src="./assets/overview.png" width="88%" height="88%"> </p>

Besides we implement a Model as a Server strategy. We first started several models simultaneously and regarded them as a server. Then, when a user's VAD was triggered, the speech would be sent to the server in the form of chunks, and the server would be responsible for scheduling which idle model should respond to the current chunk. Since we separated all the kv-cache and CNN cache of the speech encoder and LLM during the inference process, the server only needs to save the inference cache for each user. In this way, any model in the server could respond to any chunk of any user, and there was no need to specify which model was used as a monitor or a generator.

📈 Experimental Results

<p align="center"> <img src="./assets/asr_res.png" width="70%" height="70%"> </p> <p align="center"> <img src="./assets/out_cer.png" width="50%" height="50%"> </p> <p align="center"> <img src="./assets/qa.png" width="70%" height="70%"> </p> <p align="center"> <img src="./assets/latency.png" width="70%" height="70%"> </p>

✒️ Citation

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  title={Freeze-Omni: A Smart and Low Latency Speech-to-speech Dialogue Model with Frozen LLM},
  author={Xiong Wang and Yangze Li and Chaoyou Fu and Lei Xie and Ke Li and Xing Sun and Long Ma},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2411.00774},

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