

DSEE: Dually Sparsity-embedded Efficient Tuning of Pre-trained Language Models

Codes for [ACL 2023] DSEE: Dually Sparsity-embedded Efficient Tuning of Pre-trained Language Models

Xuxi Chen, Tianlong Chen, Weizhu Chen, Ahmed Hassan Awadallah, Zhangyang Wang, Yu Cheng

License: MIT


Gigantic pre-trained models have become central to natural language processing (NLP), serving as the starting point for fine-tuning towards a range of downstream tasks. However, two pain points persist for this paradigm: (a) as the pre-trained models grow bigger (e.g., $175$B parameters for GPT-3), even the fine-tuning process can be time-consuming and computationally expensive; (b) the fine-tuned model has the same size as its starting point by default, which is neither sensible due to its more specialized functionality, nor practical since many fine-tuned models will be deployed in resource-constrained environments. To address these pain points, we propose a framework for resource- and parameter-efficient fine-tuning by leveraging the sparsity prior in both weight updates and the final model weights. Our proposed framework, dubbed Dually Sparsity-Embedded Efficient Tuning (DSEE), aims to achieve two key objectives: (i) parameter efficient fine-tuning - by enforcing sparsity-aware low-rank updates on top of the pre-trained weights; and (ii) resource-efficient inference - by encouraging a sparse weight structure towards the final fine-tuned model. We leverage sparsity in these two directions by exploiting both unstructured and structured sparse patterns in pre-trained language models via a unified approach.


We use conda to create virtual environments.

conda create -f environment.yml
conda activate dsee


Please see refer to example scripts in the scripts folder.



  1. The Huggingface's Transformers (https://github.com/huggingface/transformers)