

VCV Rack plugin build toolchains

Compile Rack plugins for Mac, Windows, and Linux with a single command on any Linux distro.


Clone this repository in a path without spaces, or the Makefile will break.

Obtain MacOSX10.13.sdk.tar.xz (or .bz2, either works) using the instructions at https://github.com/tpoechtrager/osxcross#packaging-the-sdk, and place it in the root of this repository. You must have access to Mac 10.13 to generate this SDK package.

There are two ways to build the toolchains:

Local toolchain build

Requires a Linux host.

Install toolchain build dependencies. On Ubuntu,

sudo make dep-ubuntu

Or on Arch Linux,

sudo make dep-arch-linux

Build toolchains for all three platforms.

make toolchain-all

Each toolchain will take around an hour to build and will require network access, about 8 GB free RAM, and about 15 GB free disk space. The final disk space after building is about 3.7 GB.

Build your plugin.

make -j$(nproc) plugin-build PLUGIN_DIR=...

Built plugin packages are placed in the plugin-build/ directory.

Docker toolchain build

Works on any operating system with Docker installed.

Build the Docker container with toolchains for all platforms.

make docker-build

Build your plugin.

make -j8 docker-plugin-build PLUGIN_DIR=...

You may replace 8 with your desired number of parallel jobs, such as your number of logical cores.

Built plugin packages are placed in the plugin-build/ directory.


Thanks to @cschol for help with crosstool-ng, Ubuntu, Docker, and testing.