

Archivation notice

Archived. I took project back into closed source as there was little interest. Please feel free to use this version for your reference. If you're interested in closed-source version - please reach out to me.


NPM Package

Entity Component System game engine


via npm

npm i --save @woosh/meep



Why another engine?

I set out to write this engine when I was working on a simple tower-defense game in 2013, back then there were no decent 3-d game engines that would satisfy my requires:

Since then I have made a 2-d collectable game, a space-invader clone and most recently, a turn-based strategy game Might is Right, on which I have worked for the past 4 years. This is how the engine was created, as a tool to help me build my games. Over time, I started to think that other people might find it useful too.

To run the demo:

Trouble shooting