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Serverless plugin DynamoDB backups


If you want to automate your AWS DynamoDB database backups, this plugin may be what you need.

As we build various services on AWS using the "serverless" design, we need reusable backups services, both scalable and easy to implement. We therefore created this plugin, to make sure that each project can create its own DynamoDB automated backup solution.

This is a plugin which simplifies DynamoDB backups creation automation for all the resources created in serverless.yml when using the Serverless Framework and AWS Cloud provider.

This plugin officially supports Node.js 12.x, 14.x and 16.x.

This plugin officially supports Serverless Framework >=2.0.0.



Install the plugin using either Yarn or NPM. (we use Yarn)


npm install @unly/serverless-plugin-dynamodb-backups


yarn add @unly/serverless-plugin-dynamodb-backups


Step 1: Load the Plugin

The plugin determines your environment during deployment and adds all environment variables to your Lambda function. All you need to do is to load the plugin:

Must be declared before serverless-webpack, despite what their officially doc says

  - '@unly/serverless-plugin-dynamodb-backups' # Must be first, even before "serverless-webpack", see https://github.com/UnlyEd/serverless-plugin-dynamodb-backups
  - serverless-webpack # Must be second, see https://github.com/99xt/serverless-dynamodb-local#using-with-serverless-offline-and-serverless-webpack-plugin

Step 2: Create the backups handler function:

Create a file, which will be called when performing a DynamoDB backup (we named it src/backups.js in our examples folder):

import dynamodbAutoBackups from '@unly/serverless-plugin-dynamodb-backups/lib';

export const handler = dynamodbAutoBackups;

Step 3: Configure your serverless.yml

Set the dynamodbAutoBackups object configuration as follows (list of all available options below):

    backupRate: rate(40 minutes) # Every 5 minutes, from the time it was deployed
    source: src/backups.js # Path to the handler function we created in step #2
    active: true

Configuration of dynamodbAutoBackups object:

sourceStringTruePath to your handler function
backupRateStringTrueThe schedule on which you want to backup your table. You can use either rate syntax (rate(1 hour)) or cron syntax (cron(0 12 * * ? *)). See here for more details on configuration.
nameStringFalseautoAutomatically set, but you could provide your own name for this lambda
slackWebhookStringFalseA HTTPS endpoint for an incoming webhook to Slack. If provided, it will send error messages to a Slack channel.
backupRemovalEnabledBooleanFalsefalseEnables cleanup of old backups. See the below option "backupRetentionDays" to specify the retention period. By default, backup removal is disabled.
backupRetentionDaysIntegerFalseSpecify the number of days to retain old backups. For example, setting the value to 2 will remove all backups that are older than 2 days. Required if backupRemovalEnabled is true.
backupTypeStringFalse"ALL"* USER - On-demand backup created by you. * SYSTEM - On-demand backup automatically created by DynamoDB. * ALL - All types of on-demand backups (USER and SYSTEM).
activeBooleanFalsetrueYou can disable this plugin, useful to disable the plugin on a non-production environment, for instance

Generated by https://www.tablesgenerator.com/markdown_tables

Examples of configurations:

1. Creates backups every 40 minutes, delete all backups older than 15 days, send slack notifications if backups are not created.

    backupRate: rate(40 minutes) # Every 40 minutes, from the time it was deployed
    source: src/backups.js
    slackWebhook: https://hooks.slack.com/services/T4XHXX5C6/TT3XXXM0J/XXXXXSbhCXXXX77mFBr0ySAm
    backupRemovalEnabled: true # Enable backupRetentionDays
    backupRetentionDays: 15 # If backupRemovalEnabled is not provided, then backupRetentionDays is not used

2. Creates some backups every friday at 2:00 am, delete all backups created by USER longer than 3 days, be warned if backups are not created.

    backupRate: cron(0 2 ? * FRI *) # Every friday at 2:00 am
    source: src/backups.js
    slackWebhook: https://hooks.slack.com/services/T4XHXX5C6/TT3XXXM0J/XXXXXSbhCXXXX77mFBr0ySAm
    backupRemovalEnabled: true # Enable backupRetentionDays
    backupRetentionDays: 3 # If backupRemovalEnabled is not provided, then backupRetentionDays is not used
    backupType: USER  # Delete all backups created by a user, not the system backups

Try it out yourself

To test this plugin, you can clone this repository. Go to examples/serverless-example, and follow the README.

Vulnerability disclosure

See our policy.

Contributors and maintainers

This project is being maintained by:

Thanks to our contributors:

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