


The Galician UD treebank is based on the automatic parsing of the Galician Technical Corpus (http://sli.uvigo.gal/CTG) created at the University of Vigo by the the TALG NLP research group.


Original corpus sentences were selected and shuffled at random, and divided in 60-20-20 splits for the train, dev and test files, respectively.

The bootstrap version of the CTG UD annotated corpus was obtained by using FreeLing 4.0 parser with the Treeler library, and by adapting the POS and dependency relations tags to CoNLL-U Format. Next versions of the corpus imply a review of the results of this initial version.

The Galician UD treebank covers mainly technical texts of the fields of medicine, sociology, ecology, economy and law.

Stats (UD version 2.1)




<pre> === Machine-readable metadata (DO NOT REMOVE!) ================================ Data available since: UD v1.3 License: CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 Includes text: yes Genre: medical legal nonfiction news Lemmas: converted from manual UPOS: converted from manual XPOS: manual native Features: not available Relations: converted from manual Contributors: Gómez Guinovart, Xavier Contributing: elsewhere Contact: xgg@uvigo.es =============================================================================== </pre>