


UD_Faroese-FarPaHC is a conversion of the Faroese Parsed Historical Corpus (FarPaHC) to the Universal Dependencies scheme.

The conversion was done using UDConverter.


The Faroese Parsed Historical Corpus (FarPaHC) is a 53,000 word corpus which includes three texts from the 19th and 20th centuries. These texts were originally manually parsed according to the Penn Parsed Corpora of Historical English (PPCHE) annotation scheme. Two of these parsed texts have been automatically converted to the Universal Dependencies scheme to create the 40,000 word UD_Faroese-FarPaHC.



UD_Faroese-FarPaHC consists of two Faroese texts:


Each sentence ID in UD_Faroese-FarPaHC carries the following information:

Example ID: 1928.NTACTS.REL-BIB,1.1

As all the texts in the corpus are excerpts from the Bible, the only text genre present in the sentence IDs is REL-BIB, i.e., religious text, biblical.

Additional notes: Morphological Features

The UD morphological features in the corpus were converted from the FarPaHC PoS tags, which do not encode all possible grammatical categories for the language as described by the UD language documentation for Faroese. The features that do appear in UD_Faroese-FarPaHC are shown below, organised by grammatical category.

Data split





This project was funded by The Icelandic Student Innovation Fund, grant no. 206457-0091. Thanks are due to Örvar Kárason, whose previous work was used as a basis for the conversion.

The Faroese Parsed Historical Corpus (FarPaHC) is available at https://repository.clarin.is/repository/xmlui/handle/20.500.12537/92.


    title = "A {U}niversal {D}ependencies Conversion Pipeline for a {P}enn-format Constituency Treebank",
    author = "Arnard{\'o}ttir, {\TH}{\'o}runn  and
      Hafsteinsson, Hinrik  and
      Sigur{\dh}sson, Einar Freyr  and
      Bjarnad{\'o}ttir, Krist{\'\i}n  and
      Ingason, Anton Karl  and
      J{\'o}nsd{\'o}ttir, Hildur  and
      Steingr{\'\i}msson, Stein{\th}{\'o}r",
    booktitle = "Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on Universal Dependencies (UDW 2020)",
    month = dec,
    year = "2020",
    address = "Barcelona, Spain (Online)",
    publisher = "Association for Computational Linguistics",
    url = "https://www.aclweb.org/anthology/2020.udw-1.3",
    pages = "16--25",
    abstract = "The topic of this paper is a rule-based pipeline for converting constituency treebanks based on the Penn Treebank format to Universal Dependencies (UD). We describe an Icelandic constituency treebank, its annotation scheme and the UD scheme. The conversion is discussed, the methods used to deliver a fully automated UD corpus and complications involved. To show its applicability to corpora in different languages, we extend the pipeline and convert a Faroese constituency treebank to a UD corpus. The result is an open-source conversion tool, published under an Apache 2.0 license, applicable to a Penn-style treebank for conversion to a UD corpus, along with the two new UD corpora.",


<pre> === Machine-readable metadata (DO NOT REMOVE!) ================================ Data available since: UD v2.7 License: CC BY-SA 4.0 Includes text: yes Genre: fiction bible nonfiction Lemmas: converted from manual UPOS: converted from manual XPOS: manual native Features: converted from manual Relations: converted from manual Contributors: Arnardóttir, Þórunn; Hafsteinsson, Hinrik; Sigurðsson, Einar Freyr; Ingason, Anton Karl; Rögnvaldsson, Eiríkur; Wallenberg, Joel C. Contributing: elsewhere Contact: thar@hi.is, hinrik.hafst@gmail.com, einar.freyr.sigurdsson@arnastofnun.is =============================================================================== </pre>