

Web Sockets for Unity

For Unity developers looking to use Web Sockets in their Unity game / app.

External dependencies

First download the required dependencies and extract the contents into your Unity project "Assets" folder.


Interface methods

ConfigureWebSocket(url)Configures web socket with url and optional headers
ConnectAsync()Connect to web socket
CloseAsync()Close web socket connection
SendAsync(data)Send binary byte[] or UTF-8 text string with optional callback
IsOpen()Check if web socket status is open
Url()Return the URL being used by the web socket

Interface event delegates

OnError(object sender, WebSocketErrorEventArgs e);
OnOpen(object sender, EventArgs e);
OnMessage(object sender, WebSocketMessageEventArgs e);
OnClose(object sender, WebSocketCloseEventArgs e);


UnityWebSocketDemo project repo contains sample scenes showing how to hook all this up in the Unity Editor.

Other developer notes

When using Unity 2017.2.1p2 and the .NET 4.6 API (Experimental) player settings I tried the system ClientWebSocket. While this initially had some success the problem was that after 3 mins or so the following error would occur on the async/await connect function in the Unity Editor:

ObjectDisposedException: Cannot access a disposed object.
Object name: 'System.Net.Sockets.NetworkStream'

Therefore I opted for WebSocket-Sharp which targets .NET Framework 3.5 and works in the Unity 2017 editor and doesn't seem to have the same issue.

Questions or tweet @deadlyfingers