

| 中文 | English |


0. Introduction

wt-console-server is an open source log manager backend which can be private deployed.

1. Setup Server

Install nodemon if not.

npm install nodemon -g 
npm install babel-node -g 

git clone https://github.com/UnPourTous/wt-console-server.git
cd wt-console-server 

// babel-node will be used
// setup dev directly
npm run dev

// or use pm2 
pm2 start ./scripts/setup.sh --name wt-console-server

2. Log format

First, you should know the format of a single log. then put it in to the upload body.

2.1. Single log format

tsrequireStringTimestamp in ms
msgrequireStringLog content, all log should be converted to string before upload
tagsoptionArraycustom types defined for this log, we have some predefined tags ['ERROR', 'WARN', 'INFO']

2.2. Assemble your upload body (In order to fit my log viewer)

A valid upload request should be like this

curl -X POST \
  http://localhost:3000/v1/log \
  -H 'cache-control: no-cache' \
  -H 'content-type: application/json' \
  -H 'postman-token: 100cd87e-131b-c4d9-e17f-69b1740ded59' \
  -d '{
  "logList": [
  	  "ts": "1495063513667",
          "msg": "log content, json or object should be convert to string"
  	  "ts": "1495063513667",
          "msg": "log content, json or object should be convert to string"

The corresponding response which contain the log id we need.

	id: '520'

Then you can use this log id to get your uploaded log at http://yourhostname:3000/#!/logviewer/520

3. Security Tips