

Umc_Crud Magento 2 module


This module is intended for Magento 2 developers, in order to reduce the boilerplate code when creating a CRUD extension.


What it does:

It provides a set of classes and interfaces that can be configured, composed or prerenced in order to avoid writing the same code over and over again.


(Almost) every Save controller for an entity does the following:

And the only variables here are

This module provides a general admin Save controller that has as dependencies a set of other classes / interfaces that have only one of the responsibilities above

All of these can be configured via di.xml for each entity you want to manage.

This module also adds a few more code generators (similar to the core ones for factory or proxy for example) that will autogenerate repository classes and a few others.

Target audience

Advantages in using this module

Disadvantages of using this module


After installation


For more details about how this extension should work, visit https://github.com/UltimateModuleCreator/umc-crud/wiki


If you really like this and get the hang of it and it saves you a lot of development time, consider <a href="https://www.paypal.me/MariusStrajeru/10">a small (or large - I won't mind) donation via PayPal</a>