


Ultimate Module Creator


Ultimate module creator (UMC) is a standalone application for creating CRUD modules / bundles / for different CMS You can use the UI to create your entities just like you would use PhpMyAdmin to create tables.
When you are done, you can download immediately the module from the popup that appears, or you can find your module in var/umc/{platform}/{version} folder.
This application is intended for developers. It should not be used in production.
Also, the modules you create with it should be tested before moved to production.
<strong>You like the work the developer has done and it saved you a lot o time and money, consider <a href="https://www.paypal.me/MariusStrajeru/10">donating</a>. Any amount is welcomed. Just change 10 from the previous URL.</strong>

Requirements without docker

PHP version 7.2.5 or higher. Some PHP extensions may be needed. See composer.json for more details.

Requirements with docker

Supported platforms

Planned platforms

Installation without Docker

Installation with Docker (tested only on linux)

How to use


Coding Standards

The generated extensions follow the PSR1, PSR2, PSR12 coding standards, but...<br/> Due to the values filled in the form, you can easily break one of the rules. Special the max 120 chars per line. <br /> This is not prevented by the UMC, but you will find in the archive that is generated with the module 3 (or 4) files. All of them are located in the _phpcs folder. (these files are not useful for the proper functioning of the module you create)<br/> These files contain the report after running php code sniffer on the generated code with the PSR1, PSR2, PSR12 and the magento coding standards. (for magento only) <br /> If you have your own coding standards you can add them the <code>platform.yml</code> file of the desired platform under the <code>config/coding_standards</code> section.

Contributing to the UMC