


Find suspicious files (e.g. data backups, PII, credentials) across a large set of AWS S3 buckets and write the first 200k keys (by default) of listable buckets to a .json or .xml file (in buckets/) via awscli OR unauthenticated via HTTP requests.


Companies and individuals, far too often, have public S3 buckets with client data or PII in them.


I had a repo (aws-s3-bruteforce) that was ugly, Python2 code and would only identify buckets whose files you could list. Instead, I wanted to look through those lists, at scale, and speficially look for potential data exposure.


In module/run_bucket.py, each buckets' keys will be searched for a variety of items, i.e.:

If one of the above file types are found, they will be written to the screen and to list/suspicious-files.txt in the format (size -> file_link) <br><br> Buckets found (both public and authenticated) will be written to list/buckets-found

Requirements (in requirements.txt)

Prefixes and postfixes

Example commands

Run a single bucket UNAUTHENTICATED

python3 find_data.py -n bucketname -u

Run a single bucket UNAUTHENTICATED but DO NOT follow redirects (by default, it will)

python3 find_data.py -n bucketname -u --no_follow_redirect

Bruteforce single name (bucket name or company name)

python3 find_data.py --bucket_name mybucket [-pp|--prefix_postfix OPTION]

Bruteforce a list of names (bucket name or company name)

python3 find_data.py --name_list list/buckets-to-check.txt [-pp|--prefix_postfix OPTION]

Bruteforce character set

python3 find_data -c abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz --num_chars 3 --all_chars [-pp|--prefix_postfix OPTION] [-sa|--start_after] <br> python3 find_data -c abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz --num_chars 3 --random_chars [-pp|--prefix_postfix OPTION]

Test mode to see what bucket names would be tested (without running it)

python3 find_data.py --bucket_name mybucket [-pp|--prefix_postfix OPTION] --test

Run Unauth requests via a different endpoint (defaulted to "s3.amazonaws.com")

python3 find_data.py -n bucketname -u -e "s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com" <br> ** IF YOU DO THIS, EITHER RUN IT UNAUTHENTICATED OR CHANGE YOUR AWSCLI DEFAULT ENDPOINT!!


AWS Account and Access/Secret Key Instructions