


A NIP-57 server that allows you recieve zaps on nostr, forwarded to your lightning node running on Tor. This server allows you to create a Lightning Address by selecting a username and using your own domain. YOu can run this zap server on a $5 a month VPS, I have included some guides in the additional resouces section of this README to help guide users if need be.

The Zapserver can fetch invoices can fetch invoices over tor or Wireguard VPN tunnel. It is strongly recomended to use a Wireguard VPN tunnel to fetch invoices as tor is very slow to return invoices and the person zapping you will probably not wait around for it. You can create a Wireguard VPN tunnel to connect to your tor node by following the wireguard_setup doc.

Zapserver also supports creating kind 9735 zap receipt events and will send that event to all relays listed in the zap request.


How it works?



What these scripts do

What you need to do

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Image 2023-11-25 at 12 45 17 AM

git clone https://github.com/UTXOnly/zap_server.git
nano .env
LND_ONION_ADDRESS=''#"<YOUR_LND_NODE_ONION_ADDRESS>" For example, xyzdasdsadsa.onion, leave blank if using Wireguard VPN
VPN_HOST=''# <YOUR_HOST_IP> for you VPN client
LND_REST_PORT=8080 #Default LND REST port is 8080, in most cases you can leave this untouched
INTERNET_IDENTIFIER="<IDENTIFIER_HERE>" ## Add the value on the left side of your LNURL identifier for example if your LNURL identifier is "nabismo@nostpypy.lol" you would add "nabismo" here
DOMAIN="<YOUR_DOMAIN_HERE>" # For example nostpy.lol
CONTACT=<YOUR_EMAIL_ADDRESS> #Enter your email address for the certbot command to get emails about your TLS certificate when it is near expiration
NGINX_FILE_PATH=/etc/nginx/sites-available/default #Leave this untouched

Setup the server

python3 menu.py

Using the command line interface (CLI)

Additional Resources

To Do


Anyone is welcome and encourges to contribute! If you want to add feature, feel free to open a pull request.

If you find a bug, please open an issue and include any relevant details, for example: