Multi-Modal Deep Aggregation Network for Depth Completion
This is the official PyTorch implementation of MDANet (ICRA 2021), an efficient network for depth completion.
Depth completion aims to recover the dense depth map from sparse depth data and RGB image respectively. However, due to the huge difference between the multi-modal signal input, vanilla convolutional neural network and simple fusion strategy cannot extract features from sparse data and aggregate multi-modal information effectively. To tackle this problem, we design a novel network architecture that takes full advantage of multi-modal features for depth completion. An effective Pre-completion algorithm is first put forward to increase the density of the input depth map and to provide distribution priors. Moreover, to effectively fuse the image features and the depth features, we propose a multi-modal deep aggregation block that consists of multiple connection and aggregation pathways for deeper fusion. Furthermore, based on the intuition that semantic image features are beneficial for accurate contour, we introduce the deformable guided fusion layer to guide the generation of the dense depth map. The resulting architecture, called MDANet, outperforms all the state-of-the-art methods on the popular KITTI Depth Completion Benchmark, meanwhile with fewer parameters than recent methods.
All the codes are tested in the following environment:
- Ubuntu 16.04
- Python 3.7
- PyTorch 1.5.0
- Torchvision 0.4.1
- NVIDIA CUDA 10.1.105
- mmcv 1.0.5 (You can install mmcv from this repo)
pip install glob
pip install pillow
pip install tqdm
pip install opencv-python
The models reported in paper are trained with 8 NVIDIA Tesla P100 (16G) GPUs with batch-size 16. Please note your GPU memory.
a. clone this repository
git clone && cd MDANet_ICRA2021
b. download our trained weight file
You could download the pretrained model of MDANet from Google Drive or BaiduYun(Password: m3eb).
c. move it to checkpoints folder
mv net-best.pth.tar results/quickstart/checkpoints/
Dataset preparation
Download the official KITTI Depth dataset and KITTI Raw dataset, and then organize the downloaded files as follows:
├── data_depth_annotated
│ ├── train
│ └── val
├── data_depth_velodyne
│ ├── train
│ └── val
└── depth_selection
├── test_depth_completion_anonymous
├── test_depth_prediction_anonymous
└── val_selection_cropped
├── 2011_09_26
│ ├── 2011_09_26_drive_0001_sync
│ └── ...
├── 2011_09_28
│ ├── 2011_09_28_drive_0001_sync
│ └── ...
├── 2011_09_29
│ ├── 2011_09_29_drive_0004_sync
│ └── ...
├── 2011_09_30
│ ├── 2011_09_30_drive_0016_sync
│ └── ...
└── 2011_10_03
├── 2011_10_03_drive_0027_sync
└── ...
Quick start
a. modify the config file (default config file is config\default.json
Note: you must specify the dataset_dir
and rgb_dir
as /path/to/KITTI/Depth/dataset
and /path/to/KITTI/Raw/dataset
b. run the code
python --config default --set test --ckpt results/quickstart/checkpoints/net-best.pth.tar
You can also save the output by attaching --save_output
to the above command. The evaluation report will be saved in the eval.log
file after the program runs.
python --config default
The train report will be saved in the train.log
file after the training.
a. infer single model
python --config default --set selval --ckpt results/<your/train/dir>/checkpoints/<model_name>.pth.tar
b. infer multiple model
You can infer multiple model by specifying the ckpt
to a folder. For example:
python --config default --set selval --ckpt results/<your/train/dir>/checkpoints
The evaluation report will be saved in the eval_folder.log
file after the program runs.