

RIQ: RDF Indexing on Quadruples


RIQ is a new approach for fast processing of SPARQL queries on large datasets containing RDF quadruples (or quads). (These queries are also called named graph queries.) RIQ employs a decrease-and-conquer strategy: Rather than indexing the entire RDF dataset, RIQ identifies groups of similar RDF graphs and indexes each group separately. During query processing, RIQ uses novel filtering index to first identify candidate groups that may contain matches for the query. On these candidates, it executes optimized queries using a conventional SPARQL processor (e.g., Jena TDB) to produce the final results.



Faculty: Praveen Rao (PI)

PhD Students: Vasil Slavov, Anas Katib

MS Students: Srivenu Paturi, Dinesh Barenkala, Vinutha Nuchimaniyanda


This work was supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant Nos. 1115871 and 1620023.