

Nextflow Modules DOI

UMCU Genetics Nextflow modules

Getting started with Nextflow

Nextflow workflows


We invite anybody to contribute to the UMCU Genetics Nextflow Modules repository. If you would like to contribute please use the following procedure:

The pull request will be reviewed and included as fast as possible.

Coding guidelines

See utils/template.nf for a process template which uses the following guidelines.


  1. Creating squashfs immage
guixr pack -f squashfs -RR -S /bin=bin <name of tool you need> bash glibc-utf8-locales tzdata coreutils procps grep sed bootstrap-binaries
  1. Copy .squashfs to appropriate directory and rename <Tool>_<version>.squashfs.
  2. Add container to process: container = '<Tool>_<version>.squashfs'

Nextflow config for Utrecht HPC

profiles {
    sge {
        process {
            executor = 'sge'
            queue = 'all.q'
            errorStrategy = 'finish'
    slurm {
        process {
            executor = 'slurm'
            queue = 'cpu'
            errorStrategy = 'finish'

singularity {
    enabled = true
    runOptions = '-B /hpc:/hpc -B $TMPDIR:$TMPDIR'
    autoMounts = true