

Tyk Helm Charts

This is a repository for Tyk helm charts. Please visit the official website to learn about Tyk's Licensing and deployment models and the different Helm Charts availble for Kubernetes deployment.


Helm must be installed to use the charts. Please refer to Helm's documentation to get started.

Once Helm is set up properly, add the repo as follows:

helm repo add tyk-helm https://helm.tyk.io/public/helm/charts/

Helm Charts

You can then run helm search repo tyk-helm to see the charts.

Umbrella Charts

Helm umbrella chart (chart of charts) is an easy and really flexible way of installing multiple components as a single one. We have following umbrella charts that help you to install group of related tyk components based on your deployment need.

Umbrella ChartsDescriptionStatus
tyk-ossTyk Open SourceStable
tyk-stackTyk Self ManagedStable
tyk-control-planeTyk Self Managed (MDCB) Control PlaneStable
tyk-data-planeTyk Self Managed (MDCB) Data Plane <br> Tyk Hybrid Data PlaneStable

Component Charts

Other Charts

Tyk Operator's helm chart is managed in tyk-operator repository.

External Dependencies - Redis and MongoDB/PostgreSQL

Kubernetes Ingress

For further detail on how to configure Tyk as an Ingress Gateway, or how to manage APIs in Tyk using the Kubernetes API, please refer to our Tyk Operator documentation. The Tyk Operator can be installed along this chart and works with all installation types.